"Pending actions" and "Rejected Runs" gone
Thuringia, Germany

Hi there. I have a problem with my Profile and i don't know what or how it happened.

When i checked my "Pending Actions" a few minutes ago, all my runs that waited to be verified and also my rejected runs were gone. I tried to log out and in again, still gone.

I hope someone of the site's mods or admins can help me with this problem

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini
United States

Submitted a run, but nothing in pending actions

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini

Just to let people know, the mods can see your runs being submitted, i tried it 4 times and they told me i submitted run 4 times, even if it doesnt show it on your pending section

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
chocolatecake5000, Benjams dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
Thuringia, Germany

That's good to know. Recently one of my runs got verified, so they weren't completely gone.

But is this a bug or something?

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini

Yes there was a site update just before peoples runs started disappearing

Thuringia, Germany

Oh, ok. So everything will be eventually back to normal soon.

Thanks for your answer.

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini
Rhode Island, USA

I experienced the same. Should we await and re-submit our runs, or will it all come back to original status? My pending actions page is empty currently.

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini
Northumberland, England

i,ve got the same problem

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini

Staff is aware of this issue. Pretty sure its just a visibility issue right now. When submitting a test run for games I moderate, it shows up under the Runs awaiting verification queue, but does not appear under Pending actions in my own profile. I have not checked if it affects the notification (whether it even gives one) when my run would be approved though.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
chocolatecake5000 dan baldnate menyukai ini
Northumberland, England

so this is getting sorted straight away

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini
Western Australia, Australia

Im getting this issue too. submitted a run and nothing comes up

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini

@RuffianAU This is a site-wide issue, so yes, you and everybody else is having this problem. As @Daravae said, site staff is aware of the issue and it'll be handled ASAP.

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini

same for me...

chocolatecake5000 menyukai ini
New York, USA

Guys, please. It's happening to everyone. It's a SITE! WIDE! BUG! Staff is working on the fix. We don't need anyone else commenting about it. Please just be patient.

HowDenKing, ReportWroteByLeon dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini