2 years ago
  • Let leaderboard mod ban specific console emulator. For example, a game has GBA and Switch platform. I suggest leaderboard mod can choose which console emulator is banned. The current leaderboard only allowed leaderboard mod to ban all emulators or not to ban any emulator.

  • People can select multiple platforms when they submit the run if necessary. I think someone mentioned it before. It is very useful for multi-game leaderboard.

  • Leaderboard mod can ban emulator from specific category only if necessary.

Somerset, England
Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness dan StarSpeed menyukai ini
Arizona, USA

For the first point, what I've seen mods do is list the acceptable emulators in the game/category rules, 's game rules for example.

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
United States

How do I make my IL sort highest to lowest and my full game sort lowest to highest? Jubilee you did that in Just Dance but i cant figure it out

Somerset, England

Edit game > Categories > Edit Category > Timer asc. > On > Save For full game categories, it's something similar on ILs

Oh_my_gourdness, Jubilee, dan StarSpeed menyukai ini
United States

This only works for full game, for IL the option isn't there

United States

I can see that option. Make sure you’re editing “individual level categories” and not “individual levels.”

United States

ohhh how could i have missed that? thx