Why is @Jaypin88 banned?
3 years ago
Arizona, USA

Does anyone know what happened to @Jaypin88 lol

YUMmy_Bacon5, AsagiriX, dan Pear menyukai ini

Oh dear

Oh_my_gourdness, Quiv dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini

As questions are being raised surrounding this issue both on this forum and in the Sonic Speedrunning Community discord server, I'm going to take this opportunity as an SSC admin to address it here and hopefully provide a definitive answer.

The decision was taken to report Jaypin to speedrun.com staff after a user submitted evidence that Jaypin had taken footage of multiple of their ILs and submitted them as his own. The ILs in question were not listed on speedrun.com at the time of Jaypin submitting them, so detecting them as stolen runs was not possible via only looking at the leaderboards.

The evidence that they are the same runs is beyond reasonable doubt; side-by-side playback of the runs sync'd to the frame definitively showed that they were identical runs, all of which belonged to the user who filed the report as their upload dates preceded Jaypin's. There is also no room to interpret this as an accident or misunderstanding, as Jaypin went as far as to place his overlay over one of the ILs in question. After the evidence was presented to Jaypin himself, he proceeded to delete the videos in question from his channel.

This evidence was shared with speedrun.com staff, who were in agreement that the evidence provided was sound, and was a clear and deliberate violation of site rules, and so site staff took the decision to issue a site ban to Jaypin. It is also a violation of SSC Discord rules to either impersonate a user or pass their work off as one's own.

I hope that this serves as a clear explanation of what transpired and the reasons for the ban. I can only assume that needing to make a post like this indicates that Jaypin has not been forthcoming with his own community concerning the reason he was banned, which is disappointing to see. If you have any further questions about this matter, please contact me privately on Discord where I will be happy to speak as a representative of SSC.

bosscatFGC, ViperUK dan 50 lainnya menyukai ini

So, who wants to be the first to check the rest of Jaypin's runs to see if they're stolen, too?

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, AsagiriX, dan Merl_ menyukai ini
New York, USA

That's gonna be a challenge. He's run 1-1 for like 500 games.

YUMmy_Bacon5, AsagiriX dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canada

i can confirm his runs in trailblazer and freerunning for psp are legit as a friend and i mod both those games and we have watched runs down to the frames but i agree with the choice the commuiny has made by banning him as sure some runs may be legit but i believe the power got to him and he got caught and this is a shame so many great speedrunners have fallen to this bull$#!% where they trive on the atteion they get and over time this makes people do some stupid stuff.

i would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and please dont fall to the darkness and keep on shining guys and if you ever think your content isnt worth it never give up and steal someone elses content. always show ur true self because thats what people are intersted in and thats what most people dont understand.

sure people come for the game ur playing but they STAY for the person behind the mic,cam,vr avitar so always reamber to show the world ur light and make them smile :D

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
United States

that entire first paragraph was one sentence

Oh_my_gourdness, JankedJesus dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
Ontario, Canada

Soooo TL;DR He Spliced his Runs???

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini

Stole runs

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

A bit of a different case than splicing, but still just as bad. Too lazy to even make their own run and cheat with that

YUMmy_Bacon5 dan Merl_ menyukai ini

Worse tbh. Though I guess we're lucky because stealing runs is an easy thing to catch, eventually. I'm surprised they were able to get away with it for what I'm assuming has been a fair bit of time. I've had people submit stolen runs before when I moderated and it was pretty obvious when it happened.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Pear, dan O.D.W. menyukai ini

To be honest, if the runs are already up on the leaderboard, I wouldn't remove them before verifying if they're actually stolen. For all we know, those sonic IL runs might be the only ones he has stolen.

The guy's a massive tool for stealing runs, but that doesn't mean we should start auto-rejecting all the runs on a leaderboard without providing evidence, since that kinda sets a bad precedent.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, landus, dan Walgrey menyukai ini

What bad precedent is being set, exactly? If someone cheats a run, the rest of their runs typically get removed as well. Should be the same for stealing runs. I believe people can change, but there's no real way of knowing what is legit or illegitimate at this point, and you hurt the integrity of a leaderboard by allowing those runs to stay up.

Another example would be in sports when an athlete is found to have been cheating they're usually stripped of all awards/titles/etc because no one can know for sure when the cheating started or stopped.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini

It's definetely a tricky situation from my point of view at least. While I agree that his other runs are most likely stolen and it's true that in sports or other competitions people get all their awards striped from them when something similar happens, issuing a blanket removal from all boards without making an attempt to check the removed runs themselves beforehand just doesn't sit all that well with me (though that's just my opinion).

That being said, it's really difficult to confirm that a run wasn't stolen from another user on youtube (you could only really confirm the opposite actually) so in this case I guess there's not much else to do. Boards operate on trust in the first place, so if you as a leaderboard mod decide the guy can't be trusted, off he goes.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
bosscatFGC dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini

You steal a run, you get slapped in the face by the game mods / site staffs

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini