When I'm logged in, the site is extremely slow
3 years ago

Anyone else having this problem? When I am logged in, the site is extremely slow. On phone and on different computers. It takes around 5 - 7 seconds to load a page, doesn't matter what page.

When I log out, the site is suddenly fast. The loadings are less than 1 second. Anyone else having the same issue? I am going to tweak my settings to see if that resolves anything. (already tried adblock and different browsers but it is only slow when logged in, the issue is solved when logged out). This has been an issue for a few weeks now and thought the overall site was just slow.

Edit: Removed my theme, disabled private messages, cleared all cookies but nothing works till now.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini

I never browsed the site while being logged-off, but now I tried it and I also noticed the big differences. As you said, it's 0.5-1 second vs. 5-7 seconds of loading a page.

I guess the main culprit here is the server-side query(ies) that loads all your account details - username, icon, theme, last 10 notifications, last 10 messages, runs awaiting verifications count, and list of followed games. It seems that all of this data is loaded each time you load a new page, and it doesn't matter if you disable some of those in the settings. It might be that loading all of this data takes time in general, or one type of data is slow in particular.

A solution might be to save some of those account details in a cache, so the site won't have to load them each time. However, while for most accounts the notifications/messages/theme/followed games aren't changed often, the cache should be updated to reflect any changes.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Zanum, Gaming_64 dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

The site's just generally very sluggish for me these days, and though the difference isn't much, it does seem to be a bit slower while logged in.

Whatever's going on in the backend has got the spaghetti code really burning up.

Zanum menyukai ini
United States

Even though I'm not much of a Linux person, I can only agree fully with the above statement.

Zanum menyukai ini
European Union

I've noticed the lag especially while browsing the forums. Generally I go through most of the forums in one go, and each post I click on takes soooooooo long to load :/

MrMonsh, Seydie, dan Merl_ menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

One thing that I've noticed is that clicking links sometimes doesn't work at all (I don't know if this is because of lag). I click a link, and it doesnt load, I keep clicking it for 30 seconds and then it finally works. I don't know why this is.

Zanum, MrMonsh, dan Seydie menyukai ini

Ah okay, so this problem isn't on my end. This is basically the reason I am mainly browsing the site logged-out. Not convenient as I won't see any pending runs, so I log in so now and then to check.

Zanum menyukai ini

@Seydie You don't use the email notifications to let you know a run is pending in a game you moderate? It's available in the global notification settings.

Zanum dan Seydie menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

It probably has to do with elo working on performance improvements, but it's been running extremely slow for a long time now.

Zanum menyukai ini
United States

Hi folks, thanks for the feedback. To clarify why the site is much, much, much faster when you aren't signed in: it's that you're getting cached pages. The SRC codebase is old and was not at all designed for the type of load the site gets today. Additionally, it's not structured in a way that easily allows us to leverage that edge caching for signed in users. We (Elo) have been incrementally improving the performance of major site functions, and there's a nice infrastructure upgrade coming soon, but there's still a lot left to fix (forums, notifications, etc).

I promise this is among our top priorities and we're actively working on it.

Zanum, jackzfiml dan 11 lainnya menyukai ini