Waiting for my run to be accepted/Rejected
8 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

How long should I be waiting without response from a moderator after submitting a run? I mean before I request an admin to do it manually or something. I submitted a run for Mortal Kombat X Traditional tower a few days ago, and messaged the only moderater on both twitch and facebook (as he provided a link to his fb on his twitch page). I have yet to hear back from him.

I know ive read this somewhere before but I cant remember.

He/Him, It/Its
8 years ago

if you already contacted the mod but haven't got any response you might wanna check this topic then; http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7

Shade667 menyukai ini

Yeah.I have a 2nd place waiting for approval also