Original Donors only thread
3 years ago

secret thread only we can access and post in

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
TrenttheN642, SuperAL1 dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

Too bad I'm not an Original Donor :D

TrenttheN642, TheSecondTry, dan O.D.W. menyukai ini


TrenttheN642, Bob-chicken dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

Is this where we play oblivion_guard.mp3?

Nah, no point, his Sneak skill must be 100 to get in here so easily. We'll never catch 'em.

TrenttheN642 dan SioN menyukai ini

Super secret thread for unoriginal donors when KEKW

TrenttheN642 dan O.D.W. menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

@MrMonsh there is one already, it's so secret that nobody knows about it

TrenttheN642, MrMonsh, dan O.D.W. menyukai ini

where are the mods. we need our rightful peace

TrenttheN642 menyukai ini
United States

Username “OriginalDonor” is up for grabs.

United States

You know, I don't even remember why I picked these two colors for my name back then. I guess I just liked how they looked.

They still look pretty cool I guess.

TrenttheN642 menyukai ini


TrenttheN642, TheSecondTry, dan SioN menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

This thread is locked for me :(

MinecraftGaming, MrMonsh, dan Merl_ menyukai ini

I'm an original donor, I assure you! And if you don't see the "original donor" tooltip on my icon, that's a known bug.

Gaming_64, SuperAL1 dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
1, SuperAL1 dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

If someone doesn't have a badge by their name how can you tell if they are an original donor

French Southern Territories

Good idea merl, uh i mean wow i dont think you can

MinecraftGaming menyukai ini
European Union

Original donor + 1 character name + used to have custom pronouns (I saved it on the wayback machine)

I am the coolest here.

ü, MrMonsh dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

iamawe some

Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

just kidding


How does one be OG Donor Kappa