How do I get an accepted game request
6 years ago

Before I send a 4th game request, I need to know how many levels I need to show to get it accepted, as 5 wasn’t enough and I don’t know how many levels this game has as I am only at 122.


Uh... if you don't even know how many levels the game has then I think it's a bit early for you to be requesting a leaderboard for it.

Imaproshaman, EmeraldAly dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini

There is 190 levels

ya seriously now


If the game has 190 levels then you probably want to show off a run that, you know, finishes the game and all 190 levels.

Imaproshaman, EmeraldAly dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini

uh I’m just asking how many levels I need to do cuz 190 will take two long to upload


[quote]4th game request[/quote] going out on a limb here but I think the game itself might be the problem.

New York, USA

It's too long to run the full game and upload it for the game submission but it's not too long to speedrun the game? I is con fussed.

Imaproshaman, zopney dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini

You could stream it. You would be able to share the highlight and you won't need to upload any video.

@komrade the other ones were different games

@Lieutenant_Boo uh there is obviously not going to be any 190 level runs so uh hopefully they accept 30 levels


How do you know there won’t be 190 level runs? People do 20+ hour runs, you never know what someone will do.

I can’t speak for site staff so take this with a grain of salt, but 30 levels isn’t even 20% of the total game. That doesn’t seem sufficient at all to get it accepted. The more you resubmit a game, the more irritated site staff can get, so I’d recommend doing more levels to increase your chances of the game being accepted.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Imaproshaman, EmeraldAly dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini

show me this game and its 190 levels, you make it sound like an MMO with its length lol

Imaproshaman dan EmeraldAly menyukai ini

"A video playing only a short portion of the game is not sufficient to add the game. Examples include: 1-1 Individual Level, Tutorial%, Fastest Death."

Lmao it sounds weird to me because you basically say: There I did a speedrun. What is the goal? Complete 15,79% of the game, aka 30 levels. Just run the whole game to increase the chance of the game being accepted. And also have fun of course

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Imaproshaman dan EmeraldAly menyukai ini

n++ have categories with 400 level and people run them, so pretty sure people would do speedrun of game with 210 less level

@Komrade its probably a roblox map pack or something like that based on his youtube channel

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Imaproshaman menyukai ini
United States

If it is a Roblox map pack, that would be something to take up with the series moderators, not the game request form.


@Sewiferos how about you tell us what game it is then


A rhythm game? Nice meme.