Rejected Runs
3 years ago
United States

What do you do with your rejected runs?

A. Leave them as rejected runs on your profile page B. Delete the runs C. Try to get a mod to verify them D. Something else

grntsz, jakubek, dan jackzfiml menyukai ini

Depends on the reason for rejection.

Pear menyukai ini
United Kingdom

If you've got a good run and you're innocent, protest it...nothing to worry about if its legit

Heart-breaking if its a good run and it gets turned down

Sandstorm187 menyukai ini

It's just a leaderboard, I wouldn't call it heart-breaking. A mod can't take away your accomplishment.

jackzfiml menyukai ini
United Kingdom

The accomplishment is somewhat tarnished, in my view. I wouldn't like it if the mod of a game that I love to play indirectly says "we think its not legit"...bit shameful

grntsz, Sandstorm187 dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini

That's why you read all the rules first before running a game.

Oh_my_gourdness menyukai ini
United States

Most of the time run rejections are just non-malicious mistakes and not that serious of an issue worth taking such a intense approach on. Just folks missing a rule, not showing the whole run, or too low quality of a recording. Less about not trusting the player and more about holding everyone to the same standard. Rejected runs don't appear for other people if they go on your profile so it's really just a personal choice if you still want it there.

grntsz, Ivory dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

My run got rejected because I used live-split instead of the games build in speed run timer.

tylerthespeedrunner menyukai ini
Somerset, England

@VedRVC, it may not be because you used LiveSplit, it may be because you didn't have the in-game timer turned on. Try and get the moderators to retime your run in real time (RTA) instead

grntsz, CyanWes, dan Oh_my_gourdness menyukai ini

what does it mean "not even a good splice smh"

French Southern Territories

Presumably, it means that you submitted a blatantly cheated run to the leaderboards.

grntsz, Pear, dan Walgrey menyukai ini
Hong Kong
Any/All, They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

I will go B,immediately DELETES THE RUN,and redo immediately,personally I will also do C Or D,but not A,CAUSE I Hate being rejected

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I always delete the run.

Washington, USA

The reason why people Reject Runs. Is, cause, they don't follow the rules for the game or they did something wrong in the video like it does not show the screen or it is a repeated run and that does not work. I had that happen to be before. I did not show all of my screen and I did not show all of the Performance Screen in Need For Speed: Underground. But, I have learned. And, I delete it and try to do it again with better view point of the Screen and the Performance Screen as well before ending the run.

Michigan, USA

I have a Super Columns time pending which would be a WR if approved, but unfortunately I also discovered that day (Christmas) that I played it that the only moderator of the specific game had "left the building" (they'd totally disappeared and taken all their times with them) and thus it is now up to one of the current two moderators of the whole Columns series to decide if this run is legitimate or not. I've messaged them both about this.

For this one, the game "recommends" but does not require timing split software. An earlier run of 15:55 of this game was approved without it, kind of like this one. If this WR does get rejected, I would be willing to accept that timing split software is required for a WR time, since my earlier one was not a WR, but in 2nd place.

This is a game with very few players, by the way. I'm lucky it's even on SRC at all these days, and was able to submit this!! There's only three times total after the original mod's disappearance (along with a time of 17:55 in the category.)

UPDATE: After I contacted SRC support, I have actually been made a moderator of this game and was allowed to self-verify this one as a WR!!! So it's official now and I will do my best to mod this, having been given the title so I could verify this.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I always delete the run.

United States

i have a rejected run where it says full world creation wasnt added and im just confused on what that meant cause i start the recording while making the world, it also says i clearly cheated when i don't know how or know whats considered cheating

Somerset, England

@StarkRayneBot40, these are the general forums, so I'd recommend asking in that game's forum, Discord, or ask its moderators next time.

In your first run, you only show the loading screen

And in your second run, I don't think you showed all the settings

Which after reading the rules, it seems like you need to show all the settings. Rules link:

Also, this isn't really considered cheating, since people submit runs with small mistakes like this all the time to different boards. What would be cheating and is bad, is splicing the run, for example.

Diedit oleh penulis 10 months ago