Survey for my MA-Thesis about speedrunning
6 years ago

Hey guys,

I am currently writing my MA-Thesis about speedrunning at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria) and I set up two surveys to gather informations why people watch speedruns or run themselve.

I would really appreciate it if you could participate so that i can get as many data as possible. This is - as fare as I know - the first scientific survey to take a look at speedrunning and therefore a big data-sample would be really important.

Survey viewers:

Survey runners:

Please feel free to spread the surveys and thank you in advance for your help.

New Jersey, USA

While this is great, you repeat questions a ton of times. 5-8 are the exact same question, just worded differently.

MelonSlice menyukai ini

@starsmiley not really the same. 5 — how, 6 —which game, 7 — what got you interested in it, 8 — when

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I guess for me personally it's the same, as I was giving the same exact answer for every question.

MelonSlice menyukai ini

So many repeating questions and many that make literally no sense. I wish I had known that the first page is literally copied onto both surveys. The form is also not made properly or I would've been offered autocomplete while filling out the second one. Would've been much better to have the 2nd form as an extension to the first with questions only appearing if they make sense. Also "Divers" is a really ugly translation for "Other", wouldn't be surprised if someone saw that as offensive. The word "Andere" exists for that cause and is used like that in all kinds of legalwork, so please use that in the future.

Texas, USA

^ probably did the German (informal) version, because it seemed fine to me. But, ya know, English version.

Would you mind linking the final thesis when you're done? I'd be interested to see what the results of the study are.

Mitsunee menyukai ini

I was same starsmiley ^^ I feel a few questions did repeat even after changing it to how or when the question was still the same just written slightly differently personally.


@oddtom I actually refered to the english version for some questions to make sure they weren't supposed to ask about something in a way I'm missing. One big thing I noticed was asking for negative extremes (after asking for the positive extreme) of things, where it doesn't make sense. Games that I dislike the most to me wouldn't be games I'd keep playing or even start speedrunning at all (question 18). "15. What demotivates you to speedrun?" also makes no sense, if something would demotivate me, i'd quit, wouldn't I? The repeating questions are the ones asking "which games" and in the repeated version "which game genres", which is the same to me, as there are other question asking "which [specific] games" (as in wanting me to provide a list of specific examples of games rather than genres of games). It's really mostly just worded weirdly in both versions.

Texas, USA

@Mitsunee I didn't have a good answer to some of the questions either, but maybe that'll be one of the results of the survey- that those questions that apply to other hobbies/sports/etc don't necessarily apply here. But, yeh, English translation is sort of a barrier. I tried to answer what I thought was being asked, but the wording for some of it was a bit weird.

Mitsunee menyukai ini
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

"How often do you stream yourself speedrunning" I need 'not as much as I'd fuckin like' as one of the options.


Hey all, Thank you for participating and for your feedback. These surveys are realls experimental and exploratory, because there aren't other surveys out there to base these ones upon. So I am really sorry if some of you thought them to be repetitive, but asking in different extremes and aksing for many different parameters is a good start if I want to elaborate on those surveys. Also you shouldn't anwer both surveys but that is my fault. I should have communicated it in a better way. Anyhow, I will incorporate some of the feedback into my surveys. And Mitsune - It is a very good answer to say, that if something demotivates you about speedrunning, that you would quit it. It really is a insightful answer.

Mitsunee menyukai ini