100% route
100% route
Diperbarui 4 years ago oleh PurpleSun

This route is mostly Any% plus Jigsaws, extra Flowers, and Droplets, up until Squirt where clean-up of the rest is done. This may not be the fastest route overall.

KEY: Number of Drops | Guide

Flowers and Droplets Jigsaws

#CHAPTER 1 1 | Tutorial 2 | Flower introduction, right into fish puzzle, Flower in puzzle 3 | Jigsaw introduction, left into fire puzzle, Flower in puzzle 4 | Reverse gears, right to water wheel over sandpit, jump in mid-air from wheel for Jigsaw secret, Flower just after 5 | Right for Gather. Jigsaw secret right of 2nd Goop. 6 | Tram on right, Flower secret top-left after unlocked door, press switch, jump to the right for Jigsaw secret, Flower in the next area before page-turn. Left Page: Left and up, go right with squirter, Jigsaw secret at the top of the puzzle area (jump left from where gear goes), Flower on bottom-right 7 | Centre Page Flower Drop 8 | Warp to Left Page, squirter right, then jump left and explode for Jigsaw, continue left, Flower with the Gloops, fish Drop 9 | Right to Gather area, door into Right Page. Get warp book and go right, Jigsaw in puzzle 10 | Warp to Right Page, do Windmill flowers, Flower secret to the left of top-left Windmill flower, finish Windmill and go right to another fish puzzle, Flower under the left bridge 11 | Warp to Right page, Windmill Drop

##Heart of Influence 1 - Jigsaw count: 7 (from MaturedSinner's Any% guide) Drop down left, Follow top platforms right, Go back left to the suction, Go all the way right, Drop down to the end

#CHAPTER 2 13 | Right to Ice 14 | Ice, left, get Orange Droplet, left to H2O. Use Water the whole time. Before going down to gear, go left to Flower. Get another Flower going up to Drop. 15 | Warp to bottom, right, go to left platform to the top and go right to Flower, go left, switch to Ice, press button, down, right, switch to Water, up and left, press switch to get gear out, switch to Ice, up and left, press button, get on lift, and jump right to break plank to Jigsaw, continue with challenge

##CHAPTER 1 REVISIT 16 | Bottom left door to Left Page. Ice, use springs, jump left at the top for secret, break plank on left for Jigsaw, go back down to state-changer, Water, Warp to top, go left to where the Jigsaw was, continue left for Flower, go down to ducks. At bottom of ducks, where there are two bubbles, jump right into them into Jigsaw secret. 17 | Warp to bottom of Left Page, Ice, go to springs, go right for lava Drop. 18 | Warp to bottom of Left Page, Ice, go left of the springs.

##RETURN TO CHAPTER 2 19 | Turn to Ice, left for Stick 20 | Warp to bottom, all the way right to Right Page; turn to Ice, jump up and stick left, jump right to button. Up, right, up, right, stick and tilt left to go down, then jump right into Jigsaw secret. Go down, left and turn into Water. Go right and explode in mid-air up-left to Flower, then go left, turn into Ice and finish puzzle. 21 | Ice, up right, on roofs to Right Page. Opposite green spring is odd 'wall'. Stick onto wall and tilt left to get into Jigsaw secret. Get Warp book, go right. Before getting Drop, slide right into Jigsaw secret plank. 22 | Ice, go left and down, Stick on door next to Jigsaw and get Jigsaw, go up, use spring to get Red Droplet, go up-left. Before going to Left Page, use spring to get Jigsaw. Now go into Left Page, get warpbook, go down-left and hop over the saws. 23 | Ice, warp to Left Page, go left. Go up the top of the gears, and get the Jigsaw in the top-left corner. Go down and left to purple gear puzzle. 24 | Ice, warp to Left Page, go right to flying Goop, up spring. Before button to let the hammer move, jump to the right of the button to get a Jigsaw. 25 | Warp to Bottom Centre, go left to Droplets. After last two Droplets at top, drop down and right, past H20 Drop, into small block Jigsaw secret. Then go left for Droplet Drop.

##Heart of Influence 2 - Jigsaw count: 17

  • Before going to HOI, get the Yellow Droplet from going up the spring, and get the Blue Droplet behind the HOI door.
  • (from MaturedSinner's Any% guide) Drop down, Hit the switch, Hit the upper left corner, Hit upper moving platform, Hit the right side

#CHAPTER 3 27 | Go left, explode at middle column for Blue Droplet, go left, get warp book, jump up-right for Flower, go right for Cloud and Suction. Flower in puzzle.

##CHAPTER 1 REVISIT 28 | Turn to Ice, use spring to go up-right. Drop rock into the chute along with gear to press a button to get Jigsaw on the left.

##RETURN TO CHAPTER 3 29 | Warp to Bottom, go left for Thunder. In the rotating circle, go right for Jigsaw secret. 30 | Turn into Cloud, extinguish fires on the right and put gears into place. 31 | Turn into Cloud, go right to pylon. Go to Right Page. Go right, get warp book, get Flower, down to fish puzzle. When going down, tilt left for Flower. In bottom right part (switch for right Fish), jump right for Jigsaw secret. 32 | Turn into Cloud, go up and left. Get Flower near HOI door, and continue left to unlocked door into Left Page. Gust. 33 | Turn into Cloud, go up-left to scale, rain on it to open door. Clear goop mist on the right for Jigsaw. Flower top-left. 34 | Flower Drop 35 | Warp to bottom, left, turn into Cloud, unlocked door to Left Page. Left with Cloud, stop at Flower with two doors. Rain above Flower to even out water to switches. Get Flower. Go left for warp book. Turn into Cloud, left into large duck puzzle. Top-left switch twice to get Flower. Bottom switch once, go right for Jigsaw secret, then bottom switch again to finish puzzle. 36 | Turn into Cloud, warp to Left Page. Go top-left. Get warp book, and up to puzzle. Before striking pylons, go left and rain into the wind, into a secret area with Flower and Jigsaw. Go right, turn into Cloud. Strike right pylon twice, left pylon once. Go up. Strike right pylon once, left pylon twice. 37 | Warp to left of Left Page. *Go left through secret to Jigsaw. Go down to fish puzzle (tilt right to avoid fish, Ice for switch, Water, get fish to end).

##Heart of Influence 3 - Jigsaw count: 24 (from MaturedSinner's Any% guide) Up left, Tower (pylon), Lower left and around, Gust gear and 2 goops on the left, Take enough damage to be small for the first and second balloons, don’t pop balloon on first switch, line up dropping the weight

#CHAPTER 4 39 | Go right. At sign-post, jump right for Jigsaw. Squirt.

##CHAPTER 1 CLEAN-UP 40 | Warp to Bottom Left, turn into Cloud, do gear puzzle above. Rain onto Flower. 41 | Warp to top of Left Page, Squirt up to Flower, jump right from Flower into secret area for Jigsaw, get Flower Drop. 42 | Warp to Right Page. Go up Windmill to top, Squirt up to Jigsaw. Go up-right. After gear, Squirt up-right. Jump left, then jump right to Jigsaw secret, then get Drop. 43 | Go right, up from the wheel, then right. Move crystals into mine cart, get Jigsaw, Right Page, use Squirt to get gear into place, get warp book. Go right to Squirt puzzle. Flower after wheel door. 44 | Warp to top Right Page, Squirt up to press switch, go down to droplet puzzle. 45 | Warp to top Right Page, Squirt up to Flower, then Squirt up-left to Jigsaw on the roof. Flower Drop. 46 | Centre Droplets: Ice. Spring up-right, go into tram. Up to Peach Droplet. Go on top of tram, slide right for Jigsaw. If viable, get back on top of tram and jump left for Purple (if not, just go back in tram). Transform to Cloud. Go up and a bit right to Blue, then up to Yellow. Go left and rain on Orange. Cloud again, go up-right. Rain to the right of the chimney, secret area in the mountain has Red, avoid vent. Squirt up to the chimney for secret to get Green.

Chapter Drop count: 23 Chapter Jigsaw count: 16 Overall Jigsaw count: 30

##CHAPTER 2 CLEAN-UP 47 | Ice. Warp to Left Page. Top-right of gears section. Fire engine puzzle. At fire engine, Ice, go left and get into secret area, bridge down with Stick. Transform to Water, get Flower. Before getting in fire engine, Squirt up-left to second row of windows for Jigsaw secret. 48 | Cloud. Go up-left, Green Droplet, then go left. Past gear, rain onto ledge to Flower. Go down and left, Squirt to turn gear. Squirt up to the door. Dunk 2nd basketball for Jigsaw. Left Page. Get warp book, go down, press switch for piston. Go right and under, transform to Ice to break plank, go right and break switch plank, go right and up. At top, jump right for Jigsaw secret. Water, go right for switch, go back for Cloud. Go over the top, strike pylon, go back and rain onto grate. Put gear into place, then Squirt to Flower. 49 | Warp to right of Left Page, go down and left to Security puzzle. Cloud, up and right. Jigsaw behind second lot of mist. Rain on top of factory, left towards chimneys into secret for Flower. Jump left to weight. 50 | Warp to right of Left Page, Flower Drop. 51 | Right to unlocked door, Right Page. Cloud to demist for Jigsaw. When purple gear is in place, Squirt up to Flower. After blue gear, Ice, get the orange gear up to the left, then go up-left to push down the piston. Jump up-left from the piston into building for Jigsaw secret. 52 | Warp to top Right Page, Flower Drop. 53 | Ice, warp to top Right, go left to launcher. In next section, use spring next to ramp up to break plank. Before going right to Pinball, go left to break secret plank for Jigsaw. Get yellow bulb five times for Jigsaw. If you fail, wait until the button allows you to re-activate it. After Jigsaw, go back to Pinball Drop. 54 | Ice, warp to top Right, go left to launcher. Jump off ramp to hit secret plank above visible planks into Jigsaw secret. Droplet puzzle. 55 | Right on roofs with water. Before page turn, Squirt up-left. Continue up for Purple Droplet and Flower at top. Turn into Ice, go up roofs, spring up, left for Peach Droplet and Jigsaw. Drop down and left for Flower Drop. 56 | Droplet Drop.

Chapter Drop count: 21 Chapter Jigsaw count: 19 Overall Jigsaw count: 42

##CHAPTER 3 CLEAN-UP 57 | Cloud, Warp to Left Page. Right. Up and right. Rain into right wall, Squirt up to get Jigsaw. Ice Fish, go right, get purple gear, Water, Squirt gear and fish up-right. Cloud, and up. In the ceiling is secret area. Strike pylon. Rain onto Flower. Down and left to state-changer. Ice. Break planks and press button to Fish. Right, Water. Squirt to fish and finish puzzle. 58 | Cloud, Warp to left of Left Page. Go right. Top-left secret area for Jigsaw (above spiky Goop). Go right and up. Block puzzle: Left switch. Clear left-middle mist (gear), move balloon to white mist. Rain to switches. Left, Right switches. Cloud, take balloon, clear centre mist (flower), take balloon up and leave it, go left, clear mist for Jigsaw. Go back and rain on flower. Right, Middle switches. Cloud, go up to balloon, pop it. Blow gear to its place. Rain. Right Switch. Squirt up to Flower, then up to Fish. 59 | Cloud, Warp to left of Left Page. Go right to white mist. 60 | Cloud, Warp to left of Left Page. Go right. Orange, Peach, Red, Blue and Purple Droplets in mists. Rain on grate in Droplets area for Flower. Flower Drop. 61 | Cloud, Warp to bottom of Left Page, up to clear mist for Green and Yellow Droplets. 62 | Warp to Right Page. Ice, left. Jigsaw top-right of puzzle. 63 | Warp to Right Page, up-left. Flower when bringing gear down. Cloud. Go all the way up and right into secret area. Rain and bring gear down. Go right with it, and place it for Jigsaw. Squirt up from there for Flower. 64 | Warp to Right Page, Flower Drop 65 | Cloud, go up-right, white mist next to Droplet Drop. Right Page. Warp book. In right-hand building with weights, jump to the right wall with Ice for Jigsaw secret. Another Jigsaw with rotation puzzle. 66 | Right, Squirt button, Cloud. Lord Monkey. 67 | Cloud, rain onto first ledge on left. Squirt to secret area. Explode left for secret with Purple Droplet. Get gear. Down and left past columns. 68 | Cloud, up-left to Flower. Ice. Right, down to spring under HOI door. Green Droplet. Swing off swinger into mist for Yellow. Left. Jigsaw secret plank left of Stick door. 69 | Cloud, up-right. Orange Droplet in mist. Red Droplet in mist. 70 | Cloud, up-right to top. Above spiky goop is secret area for Peach Droplet. Right to fires for Jigsaw. Droplet Drop.

Chapter Drop count: 25 Chapter Jigsaw count: 15 Overall Jigsaw count: 51

##CHAPTER 4 CLEAN-UP 71 | Up-left, Switch, up for Peach Droplet and Flower. Left Page. 72 | Left and down. Left Page. Warp book. Warp to bottom Left Page. Green robot left (use Ice as platform) Cloud, Green robot left, Black robot left. Ice. Green robot far-left button. Up-left to secret area. Button, down, Green robot on platform. Up-left, button. Go left for fish puzzle. Bottom left, with gears, jump left for Jigsaw secret plank. 73 | Warp to bottom Left Page. Smash plank up-right for Jigsaw. Green robot left, Cloud, Black robot left of port, Green robot on Black, into port. Up-right, rain on Flower. Get Drop. 74 | Left, Flower, upper Left Page. Warp book. Ice, left. 75 | Warp to Left Page, go up the right-hand flowers (get 7 of them), up-right. Jigsaw secret plank in left wall. 76 | Warp to Left Page, go up left-hand flowers, Rainbow Flower at top, Rainbow Flower Drop. 77 | Warp to Left Page, regular flower Drop. 78 | Warp to top Left Page. Up-left. 79 | Up-right, Orange Droplet (Squirt up and jump). Right. Bottom fires, Door to Right Page. Warp book. Up-left. Right to duck buckets. 80 | Warp to Right Page. Up-left. Fish puzzle: Up-left to state-changer, Get on edge, Squirt up + tilt right to Flower. Cloud, strike pylon near Flower. Down, right, up. Rain near lava, Squirt over, electric field. Left. Cloud. Right through middle, pylon. Left through middle, up-right into rock for Jigsaw secret. Upper-left pylon, Rain on pylon, right, electric field. Out the left way. Left fish then right fish. Up-right. 81 | Warp to Right Page. Right. Cloud. A pylon near lava. Rain against the wind over lava. Should be able to get Flower with this. Jigsaw in secret behind pylon door and Goop. Bottom-right to duck puzzle. Ice, go right, secret plank for Jigsaw. Do left duck puzzle first (with gear), get right duck, go down with right duck to Flower, go left for left duck, Squirt ducks to bath. 82 | Warp to Right Page. Right, left to fish puzzle. Flower at top of puzzle. 83 | Warp to Right Page. Flower Drop. 84 | Warp to Right Page, left back to Centre Page fires. Flower at top. 85 | Left, Cloud. Right and up, Green Droplet behind mist. Right, mist, rain on Purple Droplet. Right for crab puzzle. On ramp, Gather until almost exploded, Squirt up + tilt right for Jigsaw secret. Flower top-right. 86 | Up lighthouse, Red Droplet, Flower Drop. 87 | Left, Ice, Right and up-left. Helicopter. Left for Blue Droplet. Double-jump right (hold stick) to hit lighthouse switch. May need Cloud to get Drop if Ice didn't stick. 88 | Centre Droplets: Up lighthouse for Yellow, Jigsaw at top.

Chapter Drop count: 19 Chapter Jigsaw count: 9 Overall Jigsaw count: 59

##Heart of Influence 4

  • In the ship before entering, the final Jigsaw is behind secret plank bottom-left. Tilt right when using the spring to get it.
  • (from MaturedSinner's Any% guide) Hit first switch, spring up and break wall at top left, drop down and Cloud up right, kill goop by crushers, water right and kill goop behind door and die, kill goops and hit switch, risky jump over lava or climb up right, cloud up to balloon, balloon to tower (pylon), gear to door, Squirt goop, ride up and right, kill goops, hit center cave goop and die, Ice along platforms to last 2 goops.
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