ARR - RT70 - CNJ/WHM - V1.0.2
ARR - RT70 - CNJ/WHM - V1.0.2
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh Unholy_Eve

Welcome to my next hastily written guide that makes more sense to me then it probably will you but it's better then nothing, right?


30/05/2021 - Weapons

Grabbing a lvl 21 Yew radical from Limsa weapon shop before Sastasha Money will be very tight here Grabbing a lvl 29 weapon from Limsa weapon shop on route to vesper bay Lasts longer then the RNG dungeon weapon

12/05/2021 - Moraby Drydocks 2.2


So CNJ/WHM has been the go to class since 5.0 dropped and with 5.3 changing up the exp curve and stream lining the MSQ it's about time there was some form of "guide" to help everyone out a bit.

There is a lot that can go wrong with this run and most of it is RNG based (fun!) The quality of players you get in dungeons will never be the same and this can make or break a run. You may end up with all sprouts or you may get a team of vets and a ranged who casts Peloton 24/7, the time difference between the 2 is very noticeable. You may even get data centre hiccups that ruin a run.

This is a long run, a lot can go wrong and most of it is after 2.3

So far this guide goes up to Haukke Manor and is based off of ItsAMiga's 1st place run (as of 27/10/2020).

It will make more sense after you've done a run as it's been wrote out with knowledge of the run already, if that makes sense.

So to start things off;

MSQ = Main Story Quest CT = Crystal Tower CNJ = Conjurer WHM = White Mage Prae = Praetorium

You get 10 silver Chocobo feathers on a preferred world, these will get you 3 pieces of your ilvl 130 gear, weapon, chest and pants. You will hit level 50 in Coerthas. You'll have 600 Poetics by the end of 2.0, grab more armour. The MSQ will provide you with all your accessories. Sniffing the Chocobo should never have been removed, fight me!

The Run!

Finish mini tutorial

For PC players you can log out here (do not pause the timer) to the main title screen and copy across character data to setup hot bars ect. You will take a time hit here of a couple of minutes or worse if the world is full and you hit the login queue.

Grab Aetheryte Attune Archers Tele to Aetheryte Middle path to Old Gridania Attune Leatherworkers MSQ hand in Speak to Parnell Attune Lancers Tele to Leatherworkers

Calamity Salvager Spoils Silver Chocobo 1 Cane + bottom option Attune Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre Run Botanist's Area Speak to Ethelred Attune Botanists Tele to Mih Ketto's Attune CNJ Hand in side quest Hand in MSQ at CNJ Pick up class quest lvl 1

A: Use Return Grab MSQ Run to Central Shroud

B: Aether to Aetheryte Grab MSQ Use Return Tele to Central

Aero, 3 Ladybugs/Squirrels, kill Head to MSQ Grab Hempen Hat from Merchant Continue MSQ Kill Fungars Grab blade start instance Hand in MSQ, Pick up next one Areo, 3 Chigoe, edge towards MSQ hand in Sleep Yarzon's or Walk to avoid agro Attune Bentbranch Sprint to MSQ hand in Kill 2 Anole's near Egg, other on way back On route to Golem Sleep Imps if needed Kill Golem (25 minute ish) Sprint past Imps Hand in MSQ - hide behind boxes to lose agro Tele to Gridania Hand in CNJ lvl 1 quest Pick up lvl 5 (Complete later with Chocobo/Slyphs MSQs) Hand in MSQ Tele Bentbranch Follow MSQ

MSQ Leia's Legacy, watch for Diremites position Kill healer, Archers, Jan Tele Bentbranch ASAP Hand in MSQ Tele Gridania Hand in MSQ Tele Gridania Aether to Archer Tele Bentbranch Kill Gargolye (51 minute ish) Tele Gridania Aether Archer Hand in MSQ Tele Gridania MSQ - Miounne Follow MSQ

Airship to Limsa Down to Bulwark Hand in MSQ Attune Aetheryte Lift to Airship

Ul Dah Lift to Hustlings Strip Attune Chamber of Rule Run right hand side Hand in MSQ Run back to centre and jump off Into Steps of Nald Sprint to Aethryte

Tele Limsa Lift Drowning Wench Attune Aftcastle Head West and down to Lower Decks Attune Fishers Hand in MSQ Ferry to Aleport Attune Aleport Hall of Novice - talk to guy only Sprint to Sastasha Duty finder all Languages Finish Sastasha Tele Limsa Lift to Drowning Hand in MSQ If queue time head to Drowning Wench

Tele Gridania Miounne MSQ Tele Bentbranch Run to Tam Tara Queue Tam Tara If Queue head to the Roost (Gridania)

Tele Ul Dah Attune Adventurers Chocobo porter to Horizon Toilet break if needed you've got 2 minutes here) Attune Horizon Run/Queue to Copper bell If queue head to Ul Dah Adventurer Guild)

Scion MSQ Tele Limsa Attune Hawkers, Arcanist Ferry Vesper Waking Sands This should be the only time you need to do this thanks to the vesper bay tickets

Tele Ul Dah Aether Adventurer Run Central Attune Black Brush Run to Eastern Thanalan Attune Camp Dry Bone Collect corpses Tele Camp Dry Bone Hand in MSQ's Run to Church Handin MSQ Tele Camp Dry Bone Help Ourcen Tele Camp Dry Bone Thancred, item pickup, Thancred Tele Camp Dry Bone Thancred again Ticket to Vesper Waking Sands Tele Black Brush Hand in MSQ Materia Ticket Vesper Waking Sands Tele Camp Dry Bone Instance fight before Ifrit Kill Ifrit (3 minute starting cutscene oof)

For GC pick Immortal Flames (middle option), closer to Aetheryte (Airship rescue mission is very close to an Aetheryte)(Adders nest is horrible location) Tele Horizon, head to Airship Tele Ul Dah Immortal Flames MSQ Grab Chocobo quest from Swift MSQ for 200 seals Tele Ul Dah Pickup Chocobo license Aether Adventuer Grab Chocobo

Tele Gridania Aether to North Shroud CNJ lvl 5 - complete Attune to Fallgaurd Tele Gridania Aether CNJ CNJ lvl 5 complete Pick up CNJ 10 Tele Gridania Hand in Slyph-Management Tele Griadania Aether Lancer Ferry Sweetbloom CNJ lvl 10 - complete MSQ Slyphic Studies - talk to 3 people Attune Hawthorne Hut Tele Gridania Aether CNJ Complete CNJ 10 - Pick up CNJ 15 Tele Hawthorne Slay Ochu Tele Hawthorne CNJ lvl 15 Speak SLyphie Tele Hawthorne MSQ to Slyphs

MSQ Brotherly Love Tele Hawthorne MSQ Spirited away - Head south and attune Quarry Mill Attune camp Tranquil Pickup Chocobo quest Tele Gridania Black Rabbit Trader - chocobo Greens MSQ at Adders Nest Tele Gridania Aether CNJ Hand in CNJ 15 pick up 20 Tele Bentbranch MSQ 1guy Grab Chocobo quest update CNJ 20 quest Earth > Air Tele Bentbranch CNJ 20 Water - Complete hand in later Run South Shroud MSQ quests Tele Limsa -> Hawkers-> Fishers Ferry Aleport Run Upper Tele Gridania Aether CNJ - Hand in 20 pic up 25 Tele Quarry Mill MSQ Like Fine Wine MSQ Slyphish Concerns -> CNJ 25 Kill Trees ->Earth ele

Complete Thousand Maw

You'll be outside the dungeon Hand in MSQ Tele Hawthorne hu Hand in MSQ Tele Gridania when need to return to Adders Nest Speak Tyoh Moui - Gate Unlock MSQ back in Gridania/Adders Nest MSQ Back from the Wood Hand in Gate unlock side quest Tele Gridania Aether CNJ - Hand in lvl 25 pick up 30 Ticket to Vesper Bay

Tele Ul Dah Speak to Swift Tele Camp Dry Bone HighBridge MSQ After Corpse Run/Tele Drybone run to MSQ MSQ Lil Ala Migho - Tele Dry Bone run south Attune Lil Ala Migho MSQ Quests Ticket Vesper Bay>Waking Sands>Talk to NPC before tele out Tele Quarry Mill 2 Stag Kills West Side Follow CNJ lvl 30 quest to kill the elementals 2 Stag kills on 3rd update to CNJ 30 (quests locations should overlap) Tele Quarry Mill MSQ He Aint Heavy - Goblin kill CNJ lvl 30 - In Natures Embrace - I haven't been able to burn the Akoman down quick enough before adds get crazy. Tele Quarry Mill Update MSQ - should be back to Lil Ala Migho Tele Gridania 1st Aether CNJ - hand in CNJ 30 pickup 30 WHM Tele Ala Migho Complete MSQ's Ticket Vesper Bay Tele Fallgourd Kill 3 Ziz uptop Tele Fallgourd MSQ Crystals - Tele Fallgourd Run to Corpse area Tele Gridania After speaking to the 3rd NPC about the Button Tele Gridania Aether White Wolf Gate Unlock Haukke Run to WHM 30 - complete Hand in WHM lvl 30 Pick up WHM lvl 35 Queue Haukke Dungeon complete sends you outside of dungeon

Tele Gridania Hand in MSQ Tele Camp Overlook


Very short notes on this section, it's mainly just follow the MSQ for the next few hours

Attune Wineport before entering Brayflox dungeon.

After you complete the dungeon you'll be placed right back where you were when you entered, you need to speak to Brayflox for the MSQ.

Monumental Hopes MSQ - You do not need to fight the mobs that spawn, investigate the destination and sprint on out of there.

Cape Westwind sometimes has a queue timer on it, use this time to attune to the Aetherytes in Northern Thanalan, upon completion of the Duty you'll be back outside Cape Westwind.



You will need to kill Ifrit/Garuda/Titan HM and do CT for the MSQ

Pickup the CT quest when in Mor Dhona - do not go for the crystals yet When the MSQ has you in the waking sands pick up the Ifrit quest. When the MSQ takes you to Ul Dah, update Ifrit quest Make time to attune to Ifrits Aetheryte, flying makes this quick Queue the duty and continue MSQ Hand in quest on next visit to waking sands, pick up Garuda quest Update Garuda quest on next visit to Gridania Attune to Garudas Aetheryte on next visit to Coerthas Flying makes this simple Queue up for the duty Hand in on next visit to waking sands Pick up Titan HM quest Update quest on next visit to Limsa When going to attune to Titan Aetheryte you can also do the first part of the CT quest on the way Queue duty Hand in on next visit to waking sands

2.2 -MSQ - The Gift of Eternity - This quest will end with you right next to the crystal you need for the CT quest

You can unlock the Moraby Drydocks by using a ferry from Aleport to Candlekeep Quay, no more need to run for it!

After The Whorleater (Hard) has been completed you should be around ilvl 90-100 if you've followed this guide, now is the time to finish up the CT quests and complete the 3 CT raids. You can't fly in the area around the CT, it's my assumption that it is quicker to tele to Mor Dhona and fly to the quest giver then it is to run out of the CT area.

2.3 is now very short and nothing really note worthy about it.

2.4-2.55 - Again not much I can really mention about this other than the queue times for Snowcloak and everything after are very RNG and wipes tend to happen more in these dungeons/trials then others or at least from what I've seen!

With that you're done, big congrats! Time to submit your run and reflect, see what you can improve on for next time.

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