Anti gravity drifting and Nitro points

From the current runs I can see you either cant use this due to the lack of control that comes from a mouse and keyboard or you decided not to use them which I can somewhat understand as a mistake would cost you. The drift is done by turning the wheel all the way to one side while also pumping the gas once. It sends the car into a slide that may seem useless but believe me it's not, that slide if done right can help the car maintain speed when going uphill and also help it corner at full speed which sometimes cause the car to corner too fast and crash into the next corner such as on Mulholland drive. Controlling this also takes some skill since it can be faster but it makes dodging cars a bit more difficult and the slide makes the car harder to control since it's going to possibly go faster than you expected and you aren't going to turn the wheel fast enough. Or idk I could be slow I guess, I've run into this problem on quite a few tracks. The next thing is nitro points which is more of a theory, I'm sure you've noticed that not all tracks are created equal. Each track has nitro points which is when the nitro actually does its job and increases yore maximum speed while you pray that traffic doesnt get in your way. You have probably seen that nitro sometimes just adds like +3 mph and almost seems like its not even working at all, I plan to use nitro on parts of the track that increase my speed somewhere between 10-15 mph when using nitro. They're there but usually no where near the finish line. the drift is something I've used to get 1:58.32 on Mulholland drive with a eclipse that had no upgrades (that's a world record for Mulholland drive by the way but there are no separate categories on twin galaxies so I'll never be able to have #1 unless I file a despute which I plan to, hopefully) anyways.. ... these are two things I use to go as fast as I fan on fnf, I've discovered and self taught the drift without any help and found shifting points when I was desperate for more speed. I'll show some of these when I submit my run, also the staff load me up with 30 credits for runs :)

jjt_defender dan camranbant menyukai ini

I feel like that 1mph can really help when it comes to the straightaways. I mean I think? I would guess that it would help you shave off atleast a little in those part's. Also ill have to test this race position for my nitro points but right now I can't steer very well with the mouse so ill do it at the arcade where I can actually get in front of the car's and see. what's this autosplitter do? Also are you talking about the TOP TEN TIME thing where you gotta sit through a screen that shows what record you've posted? I've filled every record with a modified car to the best of my ability so hopefully i wont get any records during my run. Also modifications may not make a difference but nitro does at a few key points but once again ill have to test these theories out at the arcade. Lucky for me today my friends are on shift so they can give me some credits to play with.

jjt_defender menyukai ini

Well after testing i have seen that your nitro speed is changed depending on what position your in. In the end its not 100% for sure but its a good bet that something like that is happening. I will incorporate this into my nitro points since i still believe in using it when you get the most out of it and not to recover from screw ups.

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