Team ratings?
1 year ago
Kentucky, USA

Hey everyone,

By chance, anyone know the rating for the teams in Extra innings? Who is higher tier (outside of the all star teams) and who are the bottom tier teams? This could help with both WaG and LaG categories, as we could try different combinations. Figured this would be the best place to ask lol.



Texas, USA

When Muxosaur and I were running and chatting about the game, I believe he pulled team stat info from the instruction manual. You can view one here:

I'm totally down to team up on deciphering ideal teams more when I have time.

For lose a game, I do know that Mux found an ideal right-handed pitcher with really good control and paired them up against a team filled with right-handed batters. So that he was able to beam them quickly.

That is to say, there's alot of intentionality for all his selections.

Kentucky, USA

Awesome news! and thank you for sharing and linking the manual :) I'm a HUGE r.b.i. baseball fan for NES and this game is the spiritual successor imo, so I wanna get times as low as we can! I'm down though to try and put something together so we know the best teams to use and play against.

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