100% time attack strat:
By doing this, you can have infinite evert on a fresh file for 100%. This is very advantageous, at least for the first two levels.
I imagine the setup would be included in the time if this is allowed.
Hmm this one is tough, because you have to do EVERYTHING on a fresh file in 100%, at least that's how I see it. The setup at the beginning is not done on a fresh file. I guess we will have to have a discussion again.
Yeah I don’t know. lol You could maybe argue that you could technically trigger the glitch when going for a 100% run unadvertedly, so it should be allowed… but that’s a pretty thin argument. I wouldn’t be against either choice whatever people want to do.
Hi everyone. This is a post I'm gonna do on all leaderboards I'm moderating, where they are submissions with Twitch VODs
You are certainly already aware, but I'll tell it here again. Twitch is imposing a 100 hours limitation for VODs. This limitation will be applied on April 19th. It implies for hi