Abomination% Category?
3 years ago

An idea that came up in thewoofs' chat today was an abomination% category. On Lucre Island you can create an abomination of nature by redeeming all of the prostheses and combining everything apart from the skin. This abomination can then be released into the wild (it's alive!) or can be used to scare Murray. There may be other interactions possible.

I think it would be a nice alternative to Any% because it would be much shorter (within 10 minutes to release into wild, or within 30 minutes to scare Murray), avoids the RNG of boulders and Monkey Kombat, and avoids all the horrors of the Monkey Island section. It's also a fun little easter egg which we don't get to see otherwise.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
thewoofs, games1ayer dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini

Here's a run I did of Abomination% ending with use of the abomination in 11:42 Playing it through, I really like this category because it has a little bit of everything you'd see in the full run. Action sniping, some tricky hitboxes, dialogue navigation, an inventory keybind, and redeeming the prostheses even has a similar memorisation feel to what would be the later mists section. 11:42 is a strong time, but it's beatable, and provides a really nice milestone for people learning the run - if you can beat it, you have all the Any% fundamentals mastered. Edit: hahaha this is not a strong time it turns out ;)

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
games1ayer, MilkToast, dan thewoofs menyukai ini
New York, USA

i will give this a shot on one of my streams this week as well, i really like this as an alternative to the full run. since the any% run has a lot of RNG, abomination% would probably be a good entry run for anyone looking to pick it up as a beginner as you say. would kind of be like how 'lite%' works for Monkey Island 2.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
KCadventure menyukai ini
New York, USA

here's the result of a few tries last night:

it seems that if we don't check the manhole cover, the options with Dave remain static. this ends up making the dialogue tree at the end of this much easier.

anyways, this is a really fun category and definitely vote to have it added. the shortness makes it a lot easier to approach, you get good practice on dialogues/movement/early routing and would be ideal for a beginner or a vet looking to take a break from the RNG.

edit- here are the dialogues i use for Dave once in the 'free tree', 1 is first answer, 2 is second, etc: 111 liver 132 heart 211 head 222 guts 311 stomach 322 foot 333 butt

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
games1ayer dan MilkToast menyukai ini

this is a nice break from the full run i been enjoying switching between abomination % and a full run i blame kc and woofs for this addiction heres my latest abomination run

KCadventure dan thewoofs menyukai ini

Great runs!

New York, USA

hi folks- this has now been added as an official category, so looking forward to seeing more runs of this!

just for full clarity for any new runners- timing starts on 'new game' and ends on Guybrush saying "it's aliiiiiive!" after releasing the Abomination.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
KCadventure menyukai ini
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New Timing Rules

We are making a very minor update to the timing rules. Instead of time starting on selecting New Game, time will begin on first input.

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