School Mode NG+ single ending route
4 years ago
Maryland, USA

The route detailed here is based on the run here:

for NG+ School mode running it is important to have lvl 9 gathering for all 15 characters and preferably lvl 9 cleaning as well, but not a run ender (yet).

the first few days are a bit hectic since I work to get all the materials for both Mono Casanova and the Art Tool.

Day 1: set Makoto and 1 or 2 others to Data Center; 3 to the Art Room; and 2 to the Library. Day 2: no changes Day 3: Set all Data Centers (except Makoto) to rest Day 4: Set all Art Rooms to rest; set 1 student to the Classroom and another to the Physics Lab. *Day 4 is the first day that you absolutely have to clean if you haven't started yet, or monokuma will force all students to clean next day. Day 5: Craft the Casanova and Art Tool (monolisa). If items are missing this is the last day before the Casanova is due so send as many student as you want to the appropriate areas to retrieve them, otherwise set them to rest (except Makoto, work him to death until about day 25).

Once the Casanova and Art tool have been made, your remaining tasks are simple. As you go you will have to set: -10 to Garden for 2 days (20 trips) once you have made at least one trip to the garden you must craft at least 1 paint -4 to Data Center for 2 days (8 trips) -5 to Music Room for 2 days (10 trips) -5 to Art Room for 3 days (15 trips) -5 to Library for 4 days (20 trips) -4 to Classroom for 4 days (16 trips)

When given the Warlockuma task on day 40 go ahead and craft it, any missing items can be gathered over the remaining 8 days.

And finally to get the single ending I used Kiyotaka, but Hifumi and Yasuhiro are most likely a bit faster, see charts here: *charts provided by soulsoldier64

you may use any free times to work on getting hearts for your chosen bachelor, but be aware that free times are skipped when Makoto is down and if your chosen bachelor is down then he will not be available during free time. With Taka, Hifumi, and Hiro, they only require 10 trip tickets to get all required hearts (assuming all correct answers are chosen, see chart) so make sure you don't accidentally waste time with too many trips.

feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them as best I can!