Questions and Answers
5 years ago

So i've messed around with Dream a bit to see what it was all about. I understand the basic structure of the game with the dreams/nightmares.

True Any% aims at reaching the last Black Portal before it disappears. (you get a specific "broken" ending) Now, knowing that you can do the same for the Resort portal, would it be allowed to blindly manage to access Resort, complete it and then go to the Black Portal ? I'm guessing this would trigger the Bedlamite ending right (that's different from the bugged True Any% ending) ? Or do you require Bedlamite runs to have accessed every single main Dream in the game ? I think that the endings you get should determine the categories and not some subjective parameters. What do you think ?

Also, one thing if you want your FPS to be uncapped (because it's annoying to be stuck at 61/62 fps): Go to Dream\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini Look for bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE and change TRUE to FALSE Save the file and start the game to check if that worked.

I've looked around Resort with the debug console, and while it would be possible to get to the Nightmare portal using collision around the bridge, I have not yet found a way to get on top of either the huts or the collision that's above the fences preventing you from falling out of bounds.

One last thing. I've tried to replicate the elevator skip in Dream 2 but I just can't seem to do it properly. The doors of the Basement elevator do not open. I've tried following instructions in your tutorial found in the Guides section but it seems old. And I still don't know what button I'm supposed to be pressing when I'm on top of the elevator.

ps: If there is no way to skip the conveyor puzzle, I might just never run this game :D Unless what I talked about in the first paragraph is allowed. That would basically make Bedlamite only conveyor xD

Colorado, USA

Now, knowing that you can do the same for the Resort portal, would it be allowed to blindly manage to access Resort, complete it and then go to the Black Portal ? I'm guessing this would trigger the Bedlamite ending right (that's different from the bugged True Any% ending) ?

No, because Bedlamite, like any other ending, requires a minimal number of points (I've noticed 14 works well enough), I know this to be the case because when I was testing out N3 Skip, where I just entered the nightmare and clock out, I still had an incomplete ending, invalidating the run.

I think that the endings you get should determine the categories and not some subjective parameters. What do you think ?

I think that's already how I do things around here. XD

Also, one thing if you want your FPS to be uncapped (because it's annoying to be stuck at 61/62 fps): Go to Dream\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini Look for bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE and change TRUE to FALSE Save the file and start the game to check if that worked.

I'll need to look into that and do some testing to see if it should be allowed, your True Any% run already has me raising an eyebrow since your not supposed to be able to jump in Awake, yet you're able to do so just without problems, I'm not necessarily claiming cheating here, since I know someone else who found they could jump in Awake, but I do find it weird that my version actively doesn't allow me and puts me at an automatic handicap. (not that the +3 second loading times already wouldn't do that.)

One last thing. I've tried to replicate the elevator skip in Dream 2 but I just can't seem to do it properly. The doors of the Basement elevator do not open. I've tried following instructions in your tutorial found in the Guides section but it seems old. And I still don't know what button I'm supposed to be pressing when I'm on top of the elevator.

You push the basement floor elevator button, then you quickly turn around on the side of the elevator and click literally any button through the back of the wall of the elevator which will cause it to go back up passed the basement.

Unless what I talked about in the first paragraph is allowed. That would basically make Bedlamite only conveyor

Not necessarily, but you'd have to make your way to phone puzzle instead of just B-Lining to N3 for the teleporter, in theory conveyor skip could be viable in other categories, but atm, there's no currently found way to skip them.


For some reason I didn't get a notification for your reply.. odd.

  • number of points to unlock Bedlamite: ok so yeah it's points based that's why the True Any% doesn't trigger the Bedlamite ending. And entering or completing Dreams or Nightmares doesn't count towards the ending you get, it's only the points. Let's me ask a new question then. Entering D2 (offices) is really easy compared to D3, since you only have to blindly navigate a straight line to access it; so, would it be possible to skip D1 and N1 and still get 14 points ?

  • jumping in Awake: I usually bind Jump to mousewheelup when I play FPS games. I noticed that I couldn't jump using space (primary bind) but could with mousewheelup (secondary bind). It might just be an impression, but I feel like jumping "propels" you forward a tiny bit; but I could be totally wrong.

  • elevator skip: I'll try that then.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

Huh... keybinding to scrollwheel... Didn't think of that...

Because yeah, jumping does propel you forward, that's what I do in the Hospital side dream to save 30sec.

Also as far as offices being the only one to use for enough points... maybe? I guess it's possible? I never actually thought to try. But you'd essentially have to almost 100% Offices to get enough points, that's definitely a theory to try.


That's something I can definitely explore. If I can skip conveyor and still get 14 points, hell yeah. I might try it with only Desert too. I took a look at the points spreadsheet and it looks like you could easily get 14 points with a single Dream (or side dreams). Exciting !

EDIT 1: I've tested exploring Desert, getting some POIs and bubbles with what I thought was 14 points (my calculations could be wrong) then entering the End Portal = True Any% ending (no credits)

Then I explored the Desert some more and entered Nightmare 1. I got a super long ending but it didn't end on the Bedlamite ending: the cutscene with the newspaper clips as wallpaper in the corridor leading to the bedroom. Instead, the end dialogue was 5mn long at the end of which I got put back in the game (in the bedroom). So there might be more parameters to unlock Bedlamite.

EDIT 2: I went back into the game and entered N2, then went back to the End Portal and just got the Bedlamite ending. I'm going to do further testing but I think, if this is faster (and it looks that way) than we can say goodbye to Resort and conveyor and phone rng and teleport rng etc... xD

EDIT 3: just entering N1 and N2 doesn't give you the Bedlamite ending. So, two possibilities here, either :

  • I counted points wrong (which could very well have happened) or
  • You actually need more than 14 points (and you said you weren't super confident about points required for each ending) Imma keep exploring.

EDIT 4: Not visiting Side Dreams and not grabbing collectibles could be a prerequisite for Bedlamite. Some people are discussing that on the steam forums. Will update you on that, i'm currently testing it.

EDIT 5: Didn't grab any side dreams or collectible items. I just grabbed POIs and Bubbles: no Bedlamite ending.

EDIT 6: I just completed a Bedlamite run using noclip to access all three main dreams and nightmares. The only thing I did was using the computer in Desert to make N1 Gate appear and I don't know if that gives you any points. I didn't get any of the points from completing Resort puzzles (bar taps, conveyor, phones) but I still got a Bedlamite ending. At this point I'm hella confused.

From what I've seen True Any% ending cutscene : ~30-35 seconds Neither True Any% nor Bedlamite ending: ~5 minutes Bedlamite ending: ~8 minutes

This is infuriatingly inconsistent in all the testing I've done.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

Yeah? Welcome to Dream. That's why I say there's a LOT to explain to people, the game is such a mess, but it's kinda beautiful in a way.

Oh, and btw, all this Bedlamite talk doesn't even come close to covering my glitched run of the game. XD

ThermalSquare has gone in and replicated this run point for point and didn't get the Bedlamite ending I did, technically, this is record, but because it's so unexplainable and makes virtually no sense as to how it happened, I moved it off the boards and into it's own misc. cat.

Because we need everything to be MORE complicated.


Yeahm I did take a look at your glitched runs but weren't they done on a previous version of the game ? Why would you go into Resort, complete bar taps and head towards conveyor and use the alarm clock ? What does that do ?

I honestly think the triggering of the endings is bugged. According to the devs on their official website, the game has 3 different endings depending on what you do. Testing tells us that there are at least 5 different ending cutscenes.

Colorado, USA

No, all of my runs have been in the same version of the game, and there are only 3 ending cutscenes, technically everything else aren't endings, they're the game trying to determine what kind of ending you do have and coming to some conclusion that you aren't "done" with the game, that much I do know. How to trick it into thinking that you have finished the game is beyond me though.


The thing is, from what I've been testing, the only consistent thing that works seems to be accessing the 3 Dreams and the 3 Nightmares whether or not you have the 14 points. Then again, you've said 14 but it does seem like you can finish the game (Bedlamite ending) with 0 points. I've tested 14 and more and didn't get consistent results. In fact, I got the bugged ending every single time but once.

If the game can't figure out what it wants and if I therefore HAVE to do conveyor, then I don't think I'll run this game.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

I only say 14 because that's how much we get in the current Bedlamite route, 3 for each Resort puzzle and the 5 you get from N3, which, when I tried to skip out on, didn't get a Bedlamite ending.

Again, theoretically it WOULD be possible, there's the invisible walls around Resort that are big enough to walk on top of but like... there's no currently known way of getting up there, and even then, idk if you'd be able to get up on the bridge from the invisible wall, but that would, theoretically, be how you do it.


If you can get on the invisible walls, you get cross the bridge on foot, I've tried. The only problem is getting on top of the invisible walls.

So you get 5 points from N3 ? and N1 & N2 don't get you any points ? I've definitely got more than 14 points during my testing sessions.

The only thing left to test out is managing to get into the Resort portal while blind (the same way we do for Any%) and then reaching N3 to see if N3 is THE CONSISTENT FACTOR that gets us the Bedlamite ending. But it's hard to get to that portal before it disappears, especially while completely blind.

EDIT: if that was possible, the Bedlamite run would only be Resort; so no tricks, just execution. Not sure if that would be that interesting to run.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

No, you get 5 points from N1 and N2 as well, but the thing is you get the points there at the end of the levels, whereas in N3, the devs messed up and made it to where you get the points at the very beginning of the Nightmare, otherwise, N3 skip wouldn't work correctly in Worker and Writer runs.

" if that was possible, the Bedlamite run would only be Resort; so no tricks, just execution. Not sure if that would be that interesting to run."

Well, I mean, the ending is it's own thing so... if you wouldn't want to run that, we'd have Worker and Writer runs if not Bedlamite ^^;

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