map update
6 years ago
Texas, USA

6 new maps came out. Believe it or not, but there's a good map in there (2 actually if the barrier wasn't horrible), it's called Utopia. It's a lot like Skylands (but it's too soon to say if it's better than it or not), and it plays out really well going leaper (at least for me). The other map, Kamakoa Blossom, isn't as good, but if they fixed the barrier I'll probably be 2nd to Utopia(. Also new rule: Whoever gets a speedrun on this map, must have weaboo/Japanese music playing xd). The rest are pretty eh, Blue Orchid is like lc but for hl. Darkened Heights is almost bad all around, with a mediocre start and bad end (which could be made up with an exploit?). The other two (mythsical mines and Zodiac) are horrible. Zodiac should be a meme for how bad it is (seriously just play it). Mythsical mines is bad, but this map look like a great map compared to it.

(I just noticed this is turning into a review)

In short:

  1. Utopia (Play this)
  2. Kamakoa Blossom (Play this when fixed)
  3. Darkened Heights (Meh, a filler wr)
  4. Blue Orchid (Meh, sorta made for hl)
  5. Mythsical Mines (Bad, don't play)
  6. Zodiac (HORRIBLE, don't play)
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