The new update removed Unity, what now with our leaderboard? I was probably the last person on earth to complete a run on the old version lol (e3m9).
Did it actually remove Unity? I thought it's just a new version with all the games and DLCs in one package. I'm more curious what will happen now with the categories, especially the favorite of mine UV+. Will the new categories (same as with og doom on dsda) appear, or it will remain mostly intact with UV+ being set as a UV + modifiers?
According to the patch notes it now runs on the Kex Engine. But, the original versions of Doom 1 and 2 are still accessible. Doom 2 is still its own game and this new game can be down patched back to the Unity version, although it would have made sense to just have this as a separate download but w/e, that's Bethesda for you.
So, I guess existing players can still run the Unity versions if they want.
On Steam: Go to Doom + Doom II - Cog wheel (settings) - Properties - Betas - and there will be a little drop down button you press that shows the 2019 re release (unity) just click it, then your game will update and boom you've reverted back to Unity!
I am curious how the leader boards are going to be updated, if at all. Sigil II was not part of this update, and they added a new offical episode. Is Sigil II just being dropped as a run at this point? I still have sigil II runs that never where verified; so i stopped running it.
and the KEX engine, i was unable to hit the switch from within the acid on E2M2. I guess you always speed run the fastest version; but i am curious to run the newest "game" Legacy of Rust. I did not try the out of bounds skip.
I can't rocket jump, so can't test that. E1M4 you can still jump acrod acid. Anyway, i am going to be watching here for updates on what runs.
@DyasAlure The Kex version is going to have it's own leaderboard entirely ^-^ Join the Discord for quicker updates on when it's open!
As far as E2M2, hitting the switch from the acid, I can confirm it still works. I tested right before typing this.
ok, than i bet the button out of bounds works, and i am rusty. I know it has it's own boards now, so i go over there. i found them. TY though. I also learned how to downpatch for unity, so i am golden. more doom!
Hey all you Doomers! What a joy it has been this month to have 2 add-ons added to the game! This time around we've got Sigil II made by the man himself, John Romero!
What's new on the leaderboard? ![](