Removal of the IL Leaderboards
3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA


On 1/20/2022, we will be removing the IL leaderboards for this game. There are several reasons for this removal.

  • The 3 current mods don't have interest in IL runs.
  • There has been very sporadic interest in the IL leaderboards (basically 2 runners have submitted in the last 3 years).
  • The IL leaderboards need to be updated to match the latest max levels of the quests. Due to how many levels there are, and the fact the game may potentially be updated again in the future, the IL leaderboards need to be constantly maintained, and we do not have a good solution for handling old runs as well.

That said, if there is someone or a group of people who would like to help maintain the IL leaderboards and keep them updated, we would appreciate the help. Please reach out to the mods to be granted to the appropriate permissions.

Otherwise, we will be deleting the IL Leaderboards on 1/20/2022.

YukkiEXE_ dan Tterraj42 menyukai ini

(初めに、私は日本人で海外語に疎いため機械翻訳(deepL)を通しています) こんにちは。DMFDのスピードランを走っているアズマセイメイと申します。 モデレーター業務の方お疲れ様です。 単刀直入に申しますとリーダーボードの管理を任せていただけませんでしょうか? 自分の身の回りでもDMFDのスピードランに興味がある方が何人かいます。しかしキャラ別にカテゴリが分かれていないため断念してしまう場合が殆どでした。 自分としても他のキャラ、新カテゴリで走ってみようと思った所でこの投稿があったのでこの返信を出した次第です。


(First of all, I'm Japanese and not familiar with foreign languages, so I'm running this through machine translation (deepL)) Hi, my name is Azuma Seimei and I'm running the DMFD speedrun. Thanks for your moderator work. To put it bluntly, I was wondering if you would be willing to manage the leaderboard for me? There are a few people around me who are interested in DMFD speedruns. However, most of them have given up because there is no category for each character. I've been thinking of trying to run with other characters and new categories, and then I saw this post, so that's why I posted this reply.

I'd like to propose some rules, but this is about moderator privileges, so please consider granting privileges first.

Kentucky, USA

All of the current moderators think having all of the classes visible on the same category makes it easier to compare them (like how Shinobi is the fastest, and Witch is the slowest). You can also use the filter option, to view categories individual classes.

However, we will try having Class as a subcategory if that encourages more people to run the game.

Kentucky, USA

Also, #WitchWRHolder



Thank you for separating them by character. I'm planning to do a speed run of DMFD at a big RTA event in Japan, so hopefully that will motivate some people to give it up ...

x169 dan Tterraj42 menyukai ini
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