Great Beginner Guide for Beat The Heat
Great Beginner Guide for Beat The Heat
Diperbarui 9 years ago oleh notsoslo

Used with Permission by: Stephen "Warhawk" Harris, His version will be updated at some point to show Speedrun[dot]com/d2d is allowed to use his guide. Please check out his other work here: Also, a link to the full Guide is available here: As well as his facebook is listed below. Happy speedrunning!!

            | Winner of GameFAQs' FAQ of the Month June 2012 |

                  | NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona              |
                  | by: Stephen "Warhawk" Harris      |
                  | Covers: PlayStation2, GameCube   |
                  | Date Created: 02.12.2003             |
                  | Last Updated: 01.01.2013             |
                  | Version: 3.0                                   |

                       DEDICATION AND TRIBUTE


o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 1. Contact | | [NDTD 1] | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o

To be able to contact Stephen "Warhawk" Harris please drop me an e-mail at gamefaqswarhawk [at] gmail [dot] com, with any questions, comments or any information that you may believe that I may have missed in this guide. Please don't send any hateful mail because I will not tolerate it because it can be considered harassment, so please make sure you know what you want to ask / comment before you send the e-mail to me. Be sure to have "NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona" in the subject so I don't accidentally delete the e-mail. This includes sending e-mails with some picture which may be inappropriate. Please if you send me any e-mails with any kind of vulgar language such as the "f" word.

You may also like me on Facebook to know about any future plans I will have with guide writing and all. Any questions asked on the page I will try my best at answering to the best of my knowledge about any of the guides I have done in the past, and yes even if it's a question on that game I done one for. Even if it is to ask me what I plan of doing next and all.


Also,If you found this walkthrough useful and would like to make a small donation on PayPal. The e-mail is the same as above and I will not force anyone to donate but is up to the reader if they choose to.

o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 3. Controls | | [NDTD 3] | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o

                    | Part One: PlayStation2 Controls |
                    |           [NDTD 3.1]            |

 Menu Controls

Control Function

D-Pad     Navigate Up / Down
    X     Accept

Triangle Previous Screen

 Game Controls

Control Function

   L1     Downshift [Manual Trans.]
   R1     Upsshift [Manual Trans.]
   L2     Toggle Race Info [Leaderboard / Laps]
   R2     Toggle Car Info [Damage / Tire Wear]
D-Pad     Steer Left / Right

Triangle Change Camera Angle Square Brake / Reverse X Acclerate Circle Toggle Rear View Mirror Start Pause Game

                      | Part Two: GameCube Controls |
                      |         [NDTD 3.2]          |

 Menu Controls

   Control     Function
   -------     --------

Control Pad Navigate Up / Down R Button Accept Z Button Previous Screen

 Game Controls

   Control     Function
   -------     --------
   Control     Stick Steering

Control Pad Steering A Button Upshift [Manual Trans.] B Button Downshift [Manual Trans.] X Button Toggle Race Info [Leaderboard / Laps] Y Button Toggle Rear View Mirror Z Button Switch camera view L Button Brake / Reverse R Button Accelerate Start / Pause Pause Menu

o-----------------------------------------------------------------o | 6. BEAT the HEAT | | [NDTD 6] | o-----------------------------------------------------------------o

In this section of my NASCAR Dirt to Daytona FAQ for the Sony PlayStation2 version, you can find information about each of the challenges. Not only you will be able to get information about the challenge but also the requirements to pass the challenge, along with a good strategy to be able to beat the challenge and walk away with a trophy. Let's BEAT THE HEAT!!!!!

                           | Part One: Basics |
                           |    [NDTD 6.1]      |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there are challenges that starts you off with the Beat the Heat challenges. The challenges that you have to do here is just having you getting used to the other series that are featured in Dirt to Daytona:

      I. Dundas Dirt

Driver: Track: Dundas Fairgrounds Requirements: 16.300 sec. - Gold 16.600 sec. - Silver 17.000 sec. - Bronze


For this challenge you'll need to get through turns 3 - 4 as quickly as possible. You'll start off on the backstretch heading towards turns 3 - 4 and you should be able to get through the turns at around 86 before you dive off through the turns. As you go through the turns you may want to drop your speed down to at around 67 - 69 going through turns 3 - 4. When you exit turn 4 you should be at around 68 - 71 at the exit of the turn.

      II. New Hampshire Mods

Driver: Jeff Ondich Track: New Hampshire Requirements: 16.300 sec. - Gold 16.600 sec. - Silver 17.000 sec. - Bronze


This challenge requires you to get through turns 3 - 4 at New Hampshire International Speedway in a Modified. You'll be set up ready to dive off into turns 3 - 4 New Hampshire and you should be at 138 before diving off into the turns. As you go through turns 3 - 4 take the speed down to around 108 - 112 and you should exit turn 4 at around 118 to the line.

      III. Martinsville Truckin'

Driver: Ken Schrader Track: Martinsville Requirements: 12.300 sec. - Gold 12.600 sec. - Silver 13.000 sec. - Bronze


This time you'll take the wheel of Ken Schrader's #52 Federated Auot Parts Chevrolet through turns 3 - 4 at Martinsville. You'll head down the backstretch reaching 115 before heading through turns 3 - 4. As you go through the turns you want to be at around 68 - 72 in the turns and heading back onto the frontstretch.

      IV. Mankato Madness

Driver: Unknown Track: Mankato Requirements: Pass 3 Cars - Gold Pass 2 Cars - Silver Pass 1 Car - Bronze


This challenge is different from the previous three that you have already completed. This time you'll race at Mankato in a Modified with one lap to pass 3 cars to be able to take the Gold, or at least a trophy. The first car should be easy to pass on the outside groov, while the next car you should be able to pass while going down the backstretch, and the last car in turns 3 - 4 on the outside.

      V. Passing at Dover

Driver: Jon Wood Track: Dover Downs Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


Just like the previous challenge but like this time its in a truck at Dover "The Monster Mile". You'll need to pass 3 trucks to be able to earn the gold for this challenge. The first truck you should be able to pass by the middle to exit of turn 2, the next truck you should be able to pass by or before you enter turn 3, while the last truck you should be able to pass by the time you get out of turn 4.

      VI. Cup Draft

Driver: Rusty Wallace Track: Talladega Requirements: 49.200 sec. - Gold 49.600 sec. - Silver 50.500 sec. - Bronze


This is one of the challenges that can be a bit tricky to get through if you want to pass this challenge you have to draft behind Ryan Newman to get the best possible lap. There isn't really much that I can to provide a strategy for this challenge except for to stay behind him drafting as much as you can to get that real good lap time.

                            | Part Two: Dirt |
                            |   [NDTD 6.2]   |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there are six challenges that deal with the NASCAR Weekly series. The challenges featured in this section deals with what drivers may/may have faced during their time in the NASCAR Weekly series:

       I. Excitement at Eagan

Driver: Joe Fazioli Track: Eagan Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


The first challenge in the Dirt chapter of Beat the Heat can be easy for some people to pass. You'll need to pass 9 cars within 2 laps if you want to get the Gold trophy. You should be able to take the lead on the backstretch on the final lap, but if you are able to pull it off like that you should be able to get within a lap and a half to almost the 2 laps.

       II. The Power Slide

Driver: Alan Anderson Track: Baxter Requirements: 14.2 sec. - Gold 14.5 sec. - Silver 15.0 sec. - Bronze


For this challenge you'll need to power slide through turns 1 - 2 at Baxter Fairgrounds. You should be able to reach 97 before you powerslide through turns 1 - 2 and be careful that you don't hit anything or go up on the grass; or you'll be disqualified. As you powerslide through the turns you want to be around 88 - 92 and the challenge will end around halfway down the backstretch.

       III. The Anoka Polka

Driver: Rick Reedman Track: Anoka Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is one interesting challenge in the Dirt chapter. At the start of the challenge you'll start 14th and you have to work your way to the front by any means necessary. If you can you may be able to get past most of the cars with no problem while a few you may want to shove out of the way to get past them.

       IV. Rear Bumper Tactics

Driver: Al Grimstead Track: Dundas Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is probably one of the hardest challenges that you'll come across. In this challenge you're car is all roughed up and the objective is to try to hold off any cars that will try to pass you. You have 3 laps to hold them off and if you manage to hold them all off within those 3 laps then you have proven yourself worthy.

       V. Hope at Hastings

Driver: John Rafter Track: Hastings Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is a fun challenge and maybe one of the easiest to get through. With one lap left you have to make it through a last lap wreck which will happen in turns 1 - 2. To be able to get through the wreck you want to be able to dodge the cars that are involved as best as possible. If you manage to find a clean path to use to get through the wreck you should be good for a good finish that you need to get to earn a trophy.

       VI. Baxter Disaster

Driver: Dan Diamond Track: Baxter Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


Another difficult challenge that you have to face within the Beat the Heat section of NASCAR Dirt to Daytona. At the start of the challenge you'll are spinning out of control and you have to regain control of the car then be able to get a good finish to earn a trophy for this challenge. Once you have managed to regain control of the car you want to be at least 86 - 88 through the turns to be able to gain anything substancial on the leader. You should be able to start catching up to the leaders and hopefully be able to pass them without much of a problem.

                        | Part Three: Modified |
                        |      [NDTD 6.3]          |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there are six challenges that deals with the Featherlite Modified series. The challenges featured in this section deals with what drivers may/may have faced during their time in the Featherlite Modifieds:

       I. Danger at Dennison

Driver: John Bundy Track: Dennison Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


Things just couldn't get any worse at Dennison. The leaders ended up tangling a little too much and the both spin causing a multi-car wreck in front of you. If you want a good shot at getting through this challenge without much of a hassle you want to go down low [way low] so you can mostly avoid most of the cars as possible. If you manage to avoid most of them the leader shouldn't be that far off so you can go about passing him without much problem and you should be able to be awared with the Gold but if you able to finish 2nd a Silver trophy isn't bad but you can always try again.

       II. Easy Does it

Driver: Daniel Casper Track: Elk River Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


This sure can be one difficult challenge to master since the track that was chosen for this challenge which is Elk River. The track has a weird layout in which I say that this can be such a difficult challenge for most people. As you start off you want to head down low [way low] to be able to get around the first car or two but be careful since if you hit anything the challenge is automatically failed. To be able to pass the last car you may want to be able to do the same like you did in turn 1 and you should want to do the same in turn 4, but you don't want to hit the wall as well as the car that you're trying to pass may end up hitting you.

       III. Master the Gulch

Driver: Hall Robb Track: Welch Valley Reqirements: 16.9 - Gold 17.4 - Silver 17.75 - Bronze


This is a simple challenge to do but this is another challenge if you hit anything the challenge is automatically failed. For this challenge you have to make it through 3 turns in the shortest amount of time possible. If you manage to get through the turns really good then you may end up being successful at Welch Valley.

       IV. Pedal to the Metal

Driver: Francis Lee Track: Crystal Lake Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


Another challenge that can be a bit easy to get through for most of us who have played this game in and out so much. You have 1 lap to try to pass 9 cars at Crystal Lake; and you should be able to slice and dice your way through traffic so fast that you wonder how come it was so easy.

       V. Rubbin' at Richmond

Driver: Andy MacNamera Track: Richmond Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


Annother challenge which the car is a bit beat up and you have to go about holding off anyone that may make an attempt to pass you. If you know know how to get around Richmond in a Modified real good with a beat up car than this challenge will be much of a breeze to you but if you're not then you may have a bit of a time trying to get through it. You have 3 laps to try to hold off anyone that makes that attempt to make it around you, can you make it through it without much of a problem

       VI. One for the Road

Driver: Gray Soros Track: Welch Valley Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


As you start off in this challenge you'll be 5.5 seconds behind the leader and you have to try to remember back to the challenge at Welch Valley that you have done earlier. If you remember be sure to use whatever you may have learned there and try to apply them while doing this challenge. You only have one lap to try to catch the leader and see if you can go about passing him or be passed by people behind you. There is only one thing that may stand in your way and that is lap traffic that you may have to get around on your way to make it up to the leader to pass him.

                           | Part Four: Truck |
                           |    [NDTD 6.4]      |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there are six challenges that deals with the Craftsman Truck series. The challenges featured in the Truck section of Beat the Heat is what could happen during a Truck race or how drivers may know, how to make it up to the front of the pack real fast:

       I. Norhteast Beast

Driver: Ken Schrader Track: New Hampshire Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


For the first challenge in the truck chapter you have to get through a last lap crash New Hampshire. You will have to make it through without any damage or you'll fail the challange. You may want to try to get through the the wreck as smooth as possible and since the wreck is in turns 1 - 2. You need to find a clear path so you can go about getting through the wreck without much hassle.

       II. Sling Shot

Driver: Bobby Dottor Track: Daytona Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is definitely a worthy and quite a challenge for anyone who does this Beat the Heat Challenge. You have 4 laps at Daytona to try to go from 35th all the way up into the Top-5 within those 4 laps. The thing that you want to do is draft with anyone that you can hook up as much as you can but if you try to get too close or try to spin anyone out you can loose precious time on trying to catch the leader. Drafting is the only way that you will be able to get up to the front within the 4 laps and hopefully you should be able to get a really good finish at the end of this challenge.

       III. Truck, meet Apron

Driver: Robert Pressley Track: California Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


In this challenge your truck went down to the apron of the track and your truck spins out of control. You must regain control of the truck quickly as possbile and if you end up casuing a couple other trucks to spin while you were regaining control of the truck may help you out in a way. If you are lucky you may be able to stay in the Top-10 if possible and may be able to help you out in getting a good finish at the end. You have 4 laps to try to get back up to speed as well as trying to get back up there in the lead and hopefully be able to win this challenge.

       IV. Lucky 7's

Driver: Bobby Hamilton Track: Las Vegas Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is a really interesting challenge. You will have a really big lead but you will have to make one more pitstop before the race is over. You should make that pitstop on the lap that the challenge starts so you don't have to worry about making it after two laps after it started. When you make your pitstop you want to slow down to 45 so you don't end up getting black flagged for speeding on pit road. The best bet to go is to take 2 tires along with a can of gas so you can be able to get out a bit quicker. Once you are able to get back to action you will be at around 15th in the race and you don't have much time to try to get back up there to the front to see about winning the race. You want to see about being fast through the turns so you can possibly go about winning it or at least get a really good finish.

       V. Sprint to the Finish

Driver: Jon Wood Track: Martinsville Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


For this challenge you will just get out of your pitstall and back to the action at Martinsville. They say that you want to finish well and this challenge will teach you on that moving up through the field isn't always easy especially when you have to deal with lap traffic. Lap traffic is one thing that you have to worry about in this challenge which may prove yourself worthy to make it up to the front and even into the lead if you manage to. You'll have to pass trucks up high down low, you decide on how you want to go about passing the lap traffic and go about making your way through the field along with the lap traffic.

       VI. Texas Two-Step

Driver: Brendan Gaughan Track: Texas Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


For the final challenge in the truck chapter you will have to make a pitstop and of course the truck seems to be a bit banged up. You will have a bit of a good lead over the competition but when you make your pitstop you want to see about making sure that you can stay in the lead so you can be sure that you can make it past this challenge without a problem. When you make your pitstop you want to see about taking 2 tires along with a can of gas and don't worry about having any damage fixed because you don't want to lose this challenge whatsoever. You should be able to come out still in the lead and hopefully it should be a breeze once you get back out on the track and get that trophy that you want to get.

                             | Part Five: Cup |
                             |   [NDTD 6.5]   |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there are six challenges that deals with the Winston Cup. The challenges that are featured in this section you are put in the drivers seat of challenges that the Drivers of the Winston Cup Drivers may or might've had gone through:

      I. Sterling Performance

Driver: Sterling Marlin Track: Darlington Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


For the first challenge in the Cup chapter you take control of the 40 car at Darlington. You'll start in 23rd place and you have 4 laps to try to break into the Top-5. This challenge can be either easy or medicore for people depending on how well you take this challenge, and besides you'll have the best car in the pack. With that said it may make it a better for you to get through this challenge without much hassle. You want to get around each car as fast as possible since you only have 4 laps to make it possible to reach 5th place or higher to ensure a trophy.

       II. Stay in the Draft

Driver: Dale Earnhardt Jr. Track: Daytona Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This challenge seems quite similar to the Sling Shot! challenge that you done in the Truck chapter of the Beat the Heat challenges. Instead of starting 35th like in the truck challenge you'll start 23rd and you have at around 4 laps to try to get up to the front. This challenge is supposed to be a recreation of the 2001 Pepsi 400 at Daytona when Dale Jr. won that emotional race, but the way Monster Games put this challenge made it look more like the Daytona 500 rather then the Pepsi 400. The only thing that I can say about getting through this challenge is to draft with anyone that you can and not to get into anyone such as spinning them out nor getting real close to their rear bumper since you may loose time on the leader. If you can apply what you done in the Sling Shot! challenge from the truck chapter this should be a bit easy or it may be a little harder than that challenge.

       III. Darlington Dandy

Driver: Jeff Gordon Track: Darlington Requirments: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This challenge can be easy depending how you look at this challenge. In one of the races in 2002 at Darlington Jeff Gordon managed to get through a major wreck without a scratch on the paint. When this challenge starts off so does the wreck and the moment that you can get control of the car you want to drift down to the bottom of the track but you have to make sure not to hit anyone that may drift downwards such as Dale Jarrett. If you end up hitting him or vice versa the challenge is over and you'll have to start all over again. Like I said to be able to avoid most of the cars involved in the wreck you'll want to drift down at least to the apron of the track to avoid the majority of the ones involved in the wreck.

       IV. Fragle Lead

Driver: Ken Schrader Track: Bristol Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


Here is another challenge that will test your skills again with a bit of a banged up car again. You will take control of the #36 M&M's at Bristol and you should know the drill with those challenges similar to this since you have the lead and you'll need to hold off anyone that may try to pass you within 3 1/2 laps. If you can manage to hold off everyone who makes an attempt to pass you within the amount of time then you have proven yourself again in holding off other racers with a bit of a banged up car.

       V. Sensive Lead

Driver: Ryan Newman Track: Talladega Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


Now this has to be one of the most difficult challange that you'll faced in any of the Beat the Heat challenges that you have done so far. At the start of this challenge you'll have one huge lead over Tony Stewart but there is only one problem. You're tires are on the verge of blowing so you will have to take it much slower than usual and try not to have any of them blowing before you have a chance to get to pit road to change those four tires. A speed that you want to be is at around 165 - 170 around the track until you are coming out of turn 4 then you may want to start slowing down by letting off the gas; then maybe putting on the brakes. You want to make sure to slow down to 65 or slower since the pit road speed limit is only 65. Once you get on pit road you only want to take on 4 tires. After your crew put the fresh tires on and you exit pit road back on the track you should still be in the lead but the pack is coming starting with Tony Stewart. If you want to guarantee a top spot finish you may want to race very agressively by doing whatever it takes to keep the lead. If you can manage to do so then you should be able to get a good finish in this challenge.

       VI. Spin-Doctor

Driver: Tony Stewart Track: Infineon Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This is the last challenge in the Cup chapter and this time the challenge is at the twisty road course Infineon Raceway. It's the last lap and a nudge from Dale Jarrett sends you spinning and you have to go about getting back whatever positions that you have lost back once you have regained control of the car. Once you have done that you can go about paying back the favor to Jarrett for making you spin like that and this should be a easy challenge to get past. This challenge may be a little hard if you aren't much of a road course person but if you really like racing at road courses then this challenge should be easy for you then.

                            | Part Six: Advanced |
                            |     [NDTD 6.6]         |

In this section of Beat the Heat, there will be the last four challenges that you have to do to complete the whole Beat the Heat of NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona. If you can prove yourself worthy in these challenges you will be able to get a reward for your effort in beating all of the challenges, no matter what trophy you have recieved:

       I. Midwestern Hospility

Driver: Dan Diamond Track: Kenyon Requirements: 1st - Gold 3rd - Silver 5th - Bronze


This challenge is usually hard to deal with because you start this challenge you see your car spinning out. You must get control of it very quickly if you want a chance to beat this challenge and get a trophy. A tip that I can give is to have the left analog stick pointing to the left and your thumb on the accerator button. If you can do it you should be able to get going without getting hit real hard [but you might end up hitting one of the other drivers like Kato] before you get up to speed. The way of getting through the turns is not to let off the gas and try to get through the turns just by using the analog stick [without going on the lift of the track]. You should be able to get enough speed to gain some speed some time to catch the Top-3 or Top-4 drivers. You should be able to make a move to get the Gold on the last lap in the last turn if you are lucky enough to be able to be around that position.

       II. Overexposure

Driver: Track: Martinsville Raceway Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


There are 10 laps to go from 10th up to the lead, but there's only one thing that you have to be careful with. The right front tire is on the verge of being quite damaged. Though you have to be careful on not to make any contact with the wall nor the competition if you want a shot at getting the gold in this challenge. You can go hard into the turns but try not to get into any of the traffic as you go about trying to go hard in the turns. I'd advise not to go hard as you try to pick up spots but try going to the high side of the turns if you can to try to pick up valuable spots. Once you get to at least 3rd or 4th and not hitting anything you should be able to charge up driving as deep as you can in the turns without much trouble assuming you know how to handle it. You should have at least 4 - 5 laps by the time you get to 3rd or 4th more enough if you can carry good speed through the turns and straights. If you can it should be smooth sailing through this challenge.

       III. The Desert Trial

Driver: Travis Krapvil Track: Phoenix Int'l Speedway Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


This beat the heat cllannge should be easy since you have fresher tires than anyone else on the track. You will have to make it from 25th spot to try to get into the top 3 before the 5 laps are done with. As you head into turn 1 try to get as low as possibile [even if you have to go below the yellow line] to gain around 5 - 10 spots in Turn 1. Once you get through turn 1 you can then probably be able pick up spots like crazy but when it comes down to the last lap and a half you'll will most likely have only one more car to pass to be able claim the gold. The only way to pass the last driver is to try to get through the turns as fast as you can possibly can to pass him and get the gold.

       IV. The Lowe Down

Driver: Steve Park Track: Lowe's Motor Speedway Requirements: 1st - Gold 2nd - Silver 3rd - Bronze


This may be a difficult challenge for most people to try to beat. In this challenge requires you [and everyone else] to make 1 last pitstop before the race is over. The best way on beating this challenge and possibly getting the gold is to pit on the first advantage you get (i.e.: after exiting turn 4 to head into the pits but you must slow down to 55 MPH so you don't get black flagged). The best options to go with will be: 1/2 Gallon [14], Two Tires, Don't Repair Damage and that should be about it for the pit stop. Once back out on the track you will be -1 lap to the leader but you should be able to pick up that time as everyone else makes their pitstops. Of course with only two worn tires you will have to slow down more as you would if you had with four tires but if you get the lead you would be able to get a good 3 - 5 second lead over second.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. will try to gain up right behind you but you will have to try to keep him behind you if you want to get the gold for the FINAL Winston Cup [Beat the Heat] challenge. You can spin Earnhardt Jr. out but that is total up to how you go about getting the challenge done but there might be a chance that Jr. may spin out on his own if you happen to be going around lap traffic on the front stretch.

o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o | NOTE: After you have managed to get a bronze trophy or better in each of | | the challenges, Richard Petty should be available among the Winston | | Cup Drivers | o------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o

o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 12. Credits / Legal Notice | | [NDTD 12] | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o

Here I would like to list of where you can find the walkthrough for this game as well as who had a part of making it possible. If you find this walkthrough on any site other than the ones that are allowed be sure to e-mail me to let me know about it.

+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | Allowed Sites | | Banned Sites | |-----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| | GameFAQs: | | CheatCC: | | Neoseeker: | | Cheats Guru: | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | Cheat Codes: | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+


Me : for writing this guide for NASCAR Dirt to Dayonta
CJayC : for posting this guide on Game FAQs
IGN : for posting this guide on IGN
osered : for PlayStation controller ASCII
Nate Luke : pointing out amount of cash you start off with in
Osrevad : for ASCII Art for GameCube controller

This document is copyrighted ©2003 Stephen "Warhawk" Harris. Any site wishing to host this Walkthrough will have to e-mail me in advance to ask permission. If you post it and then e-mail me about it, I will have to ask you to remove it from the site. Plus please don't try anything stupid with this guide because if any author finds out about someone doing something with their work it is is considered "copyright infringement" and is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. So, if you want to host it please come to me first and ask politely, then I'll think it over.

End of Document. ©2003, Stephen "Warhawk" Harris.

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