100% (or full completion) detailed requirements
3 years ago

FILES/BLUE DISKS (17) DINO FILES/RED DISKS (11) Support File Mission Data (missing file in USA PS1 version and EUR/USA PC version) Inostrancevia (file) - City Front/Haul Road Triceratops (file) - Comnd St./Outer Perimeter Shop Owner's Papers - Drug Store Oviraptor (file) - City/Living Quarters ① Allosaurus (file) - Dock/Suspension Bridge Incineration of Plants - Control Shack Velociraptor (file) - Water Tower Tyrannosaurus Rex (file) - Military Facility/Entrance Doctor's Papers, Time shift - Medical Room Storage Room Items - Hardware Storage Management of Keyplates - Control Room Giganotosaurus (file) - Data Control Room Superintendent's Will - Facility Entrance Noah's Ark Plan - Superintendent's Room Researchers Records - Power Source Room Researcher's Notebook - Research Lounge Compsognathus (file) - Research Lounge Report on Unidentified Body - Precision Lab Pteranodon (file) - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Soldier's Papers - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Mosasaurus (file) - 3rd Energy Control Room Managers Diary, Mechanics - 3rd Energy Control Room Elevator Security Code - 3rd Energy Facility/Walkway ③ Mechanic's Note - Sub Level/Elevator Preventative Maintenance - Water Cir. Sys. Control Rm Plesiosaurus (file) - Inside Cooling Aqueduct

MAIN WEAPONS (11) - [231.000 EP]:: Hand Gun (Regina) Shotgun (Dylan) Needle Gun (Regina) Anti-Tank Rifle (Dylan) - [38.000 EP] Flame Launcher - [8.000 EP] Heavy Machine Gun (Regina) - [35.000 EP] Missile Pod (Regina) - [50.000 EP] Rocket Launcher (Dylan) - [50.000 EP] Solid Cannon (Dylan) - [18.000 EP] Submachine Gun (Regina) - [12.000 EP] Aquagrenade (Regina) - [20.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS (6) - [17.000 EP]: Large Stungun (Regina) Machete (Dylan) Shockwave (Regina) Signal Bullet Chainmine - [12.000 EP] Firewall - [5.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS UPGRADES (2) - [30.000 EP]: Power Battery for Large Stungun (Regina) - [15.000 EP] Heavy Blade for Machete (Dylan) - [15.000 EP]

TOOLS (4) - [115.000 EP]: EPS Gold Card - [40.000 EP] EPS Silver Card - [20.000 EP] Inner Suit - [20.000 EP] Light-Weight Armor - [35.000 EP]

EVENT ITEMS (6): 3rd Energy Disk Plug Diving Suit Starter Battery Gas Mask Mechanic's ID Card

KEYS (6): 3rd Energy Facility Keycard City Keycard Key for the box Key Plate Living Quarters Key Research Facility Keycard

Ammo cartridge upgrades are not considered objects and so they are not required.

EPS Platinum Card is not required, since it can only be obtained post run.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Statistik Game
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GOG Release of Dino Crisis 2

Just want to announce the GOG release is approved for Speedruns. After testing it seems to be identical to the Vanilla version so will be usable on the main board. There is still the small chance something is found (we only have so much time in a day to be testing the release) that may require split

23 days ago
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