Very happy with this run. Some rough driving here and there but no deaths or major mistakes. I tried for 3 days to finish a run but kept messing up, took a break for a few days and was able to get this run after only a few bad starts. A few improvements to the route, swap to the police car during Harlem 1 to gain 2 extra turbos (swapping cars adds upto 3 turbos), keep left to prevent Harlem 1 traffic jam from spawning, Chinatown Bomb 1 to Bomb 2 route now avoids traffic jams, Wall Street 1 Bomb Cars to Bomb 4 route changed.
- Time: 37:07
- Category: Die Hard with a Vegence 100% (Glitchless)
- Platform: PS1
- Region: USA / NTSC
- Controls: Keyboard
- Emulator: DuckStation (0.1-7371-gb2577ef8b)
- Settings:,
- Attempts:

Hey all!
Just a quick update to say that @kapdap has kindly made some atuosplit tools for each game for people to use with their EMU runs to give everyone the most accurate timers possible.
For those new to using auto splits with Livesplit here's a video I found that should help get you started -