I feel the game's name should be changed on this site
8 years ago
California, USA

So I went into "edit options" and changed the game's Twitch listing to simply Custom Robo, because there is no game listed on Twitch as "Custom Robo Battle Revolution", and basically everyone who streams under the listing "Custom Robo" on Twitch is streaming this game unless they put in their title "N64).

Now, that was something I made an executive decision on because there was no sense connecting it to streams to a game that does not exist according to Twitch, but I feel there should also be a discussion on what we should list this game on this site (SRcom) as.

Stop me if you've never heard this one before: "I didnt know anyone ran this game!" I certainly don't think having the game listed on the leaderboard by it's Japanese title (which most would mistake for a completely different game when looking up Custom Robo listings) is helping fix that.

I feel like keeping ties to the Japanese title doesn't make sense when there is effectively no Japanese RTA community presence here. Most people who know of this game that would come to this website (i.e. Westerners) call it "Custom Robo", so if they go to search this game on speedrun.com, they will end up finding the listing for Custom Robo N64 under the name "Custom Robo", find the wrong game, and likely will not know that they are looking for this game instead.

I believe what this game (Battle Revolution) should be listed as is "Custom Robo (GCN) -or- (Gamecube)", and possibly change the title of N64 Custom Robo to "Custom Robo (N64) -or- (Nintendo 64)". Even in the unlikely event a Japanese runner comes in, they will most likely be able to tell the difference between the two games, especially since the Japanese cover is used as the game image.

However, before making a change, I would like to discuss this with the community.

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Texas, USA

The game in the series is called Battle Revolution, and I always submit it and call it as such. I don't think the name needs to be changed since people already know what the game is.

That's just my 2 cents but a name change feels unnecessary