several runs for 1
5 years ago

I have a question about level runs. If I run for 1 time to level 400 without stopping the timer, can I arrange this race in three categories? That is, the time at level 200 when I passed it, 300 by analogy with 200 and 400 at the very end?

Colorado, USA

If I'm understanding you correctly, the answer is no. The category in question is 1 Hero to Level 100, not 100 Levels on 1 Hero. You can not choose which 100 levels to count. Please look at the rules for the category you submit to if you are confused.


I had in mind the kills bosses runs: Omeet, The Green One, Woodchip, the Rodent etc. If I pass Woodchip, the Rodent, then can I send this race to Woodchip, the Rodent and to The Green One?

Colorado, USA

Yes, you can. Just remember that timing for each run starts are first click and not at a previous boss. Thanks for clarifying.