Bully SE 100% Splits?
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Could someone make some splits for Bully SE 100%? I'm trying to learn the strat and I have no idea what i'm doing.

United States

Me, and a lot the the rest of the community love to help people run 100% and are willing to answer any question we can, however I'm not sure what you are looking for in splits for a 100% run. There is only one runner that I know of who has a set route, and if you make one mistake in the 8+ hour run, the whole class schedule and route gets thrown off and you have to adapt.

I guess in order to help you get some splits we'd need to know who's route you are using and how prepared you are to improvise

Pennsylvania, USA

well how kind of routes are there? I watched phornicaite's game a little but he doesn't have splits, so i'm not sure specifically what order to do things. I've practiced any% a few times so i'm somewhat sure of the that route, but not on 100%

United States

First of all, Phorni's runs are the best to learn stuff from, so you are on the right track

There is a segmented run of Bully 100% that has a route https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/282645378480996352/327318239795216404/Bully_SE_100_Speedrun_Route.doc

But for the rest of us that run it, the way 100% works is everything you do is based around going to class. Everytime you miss/fail a class you weren't planning on missing/failing are losing about 2 hours. So pretty much the route is wake up, get missions/collectible/errands done b4 moring class, go to morning class, get missions/collectibles/errands done in between classes, go to class, get missions/collectible/errands done before bed, go to bed, rinse and repeat until you've checked every box you need to for

As you do a run or two and watch phorni, you'll learn when you can get collectibles while on missions/errands to stack em. You'll learn to get the go kart as soon as possible and forget about getting XX kilometers on foot or skateboard. NEVER finish a chapter without going to the afternoon class that day first.

The collectibles will appear on your minimap after you beat geography 5 or you can go to http://i.imgur.com/7HsE1T5.jpg which is a map made by Phorni

One of the most important things to know is, there is more than 100% worth of stuff in the game, so you can skip very few things and do more elsewhere, so don't let all the online guides fore you to do all the running and skateboarding

Queensland, Australia

Hi All,

I made a slight error in the route that is posted above. Under save/segment 28; I mention that I purchase all the clothing at Old Bullworth Town clothes store during the mission "Here's to You Ms Philips". This is incorrect - I purchase them at a later time (when I go to complete Comic Kelpto). This was a last minute change and I forgot to amend the word document.

I have made some slight changes to the route (that I use in my segment run) and have posted v2 on google docs at the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y4mFoZXNmsEgXE7zeXAMV0oo5v7C0t2yYDpxvOotka0/edit?usp=sharing. I would have posted it to google docs sooner - I just had it blocked in my hosts file for some reason.

Sorry for the bad english and or if anything is confusing/doesn't make sense - I listed as much prerequisite knowledge for the route at the top, as possible. I originally just wrote the route for my notes really so I can follow along with when I do the run.

Feel free to copy/change the route and use it etc. (Well obviously not change it on the google doc page as any editing should be disabled).

As Metric states above: in completing 100% feel free to skip the tight running pants (unlocks after running 100km) and bike pants (unlocks after riding 100km) unlockable clothing as I worked out the game actually tracks over 100%. (I may need to double check this but I found that the skate shoes, unlocked by skateboarding 50km, doesn't add anything to the completion rate.) However, you need to complete ALL 50 errands to make up for the completion that is normally gained from those unlock-able items.

@TheGuyWholied: I might submit splits if and when I re-do the run again (without using saves of course). However, I don't know when I'll be doing that as I need to test the changes I've made to the route and (of course) I need to find time to run it.

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