Split: KPC's All Pickups Splits
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KPC's All Pickups Splits
Diperbarui 5 years ago oleh KPCzombie

Here is what I buy on the garden buys (since i dont show this in the splits themselves). To be honest, the order you buy stuff doesnt really matter as long as you have it all by the end. This is just what I did in my pb.

Garden Buy #1 - 1x health, 1x eve, 1x tonic slot, 1x plasmid slot Garden Buy #2 - 4x health, 4x eve, all remaining plasmid slots, as many gene slots as you can buy Garden Buy #3 - 1x health, 1x eve, all remaining gene slots, all Lv.1 plasmids (cyclone, decoy, hypno, bees, winterblast)

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