9 months ago
Colorado, USA

I just came up with this idea, I don't know if it's any good. (Don't have a name for it yet).

Basically, crossing the entire map as fast as possible. Timing starts on the first frame of movement when exiting Hawa Koth Shrine (far southwest) and ends when entering Tu Ka'loh Shrine (far northeast). Teleporting, major glitches, and master cycle are banned.

Colorado, USA

This is starting from a completed file of course, and any preparation beforehand would be allowed.

Colorado, USA

Maybe horses and other mounts should be banned as well. I'm still figuring out the details.

Maybe Tu Ka'loh Shrine shouldn't be completed beforehand, that way you would have to do the labyrinth shrine quest in the run. There's also the possibility of a Hia Miu to Korgu Chideh version (northwest-southeast) where you have to do the Eventide shrine quest.

Diedit oleh penulis 9 months ago

The best way to get a new run idea started is to route it and run it yourself, get the word out, encourage people to try it, and then the process for approval is to post on the forum ( with 5 complete/recorded runs. You can also join the discord and we can help get the word out about your endeavor.

Your category idea sounds like IL rules (Similar to Hyrule Bike Challenge ( With any amount of file preparation allowed?