Hi i was wondering if a glitch-less category could be added, i think some of the older runs on here are glitch-less there self, i want to run this game but the amount of learning involved is kind of daunting 😂
I think more people would run the game too
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We have the no clipping% which dosnt have any major glitches. We have tried to have a glitchless one but it was causing too many problems due to the arbitrary nature of the ruling and the jankyness of the source engine
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Rubii menyukai ini
Oh and if you need help with tricks youll find plenty on the discord
Rubii menyukai ini
ooh i never checked the msc. I'll probably try noclipping. Thanks!
ET_wont_phone_home menyukai ini
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Level: Nihilanth
Level: Anomalous Materials
Level: Anomalous Materials