soma all bosses no 0hp glitch?
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

Any interest in a new run? think the title is pretty self explanatory but yeah a soma all bosses excluding the 0 hp glitch. I would like to run this personally as i get maybe 1 in 100 runs making it past balore with the 0 hp glitch. reset city, literally is not a fun category for me. anywho if it has enough support it would be a cool little route. something new? liven this group back up. could be cool, maybe not. lets do it!

Nova Scotia, Canada

All Bosses will not be changing. We've discussed it and No 0HP & 0HP will stay in the same category. The only distinction we put in all bosses was Debug or No Debug. Sorry dude. Almost every All Bosses run is No 0HP anyways TBH

Maryland, USA

im not sure what debug is ive heard the term before and im sure google could tell me lol but in the context of castlevania

Maryland, USA

i remember now lol i didnt know we allowed that in certain routes thats pretty cool actually

Nova Scotia, Canada

Yeah debug access via extended shop glitch with memory manipulation. All debug runs are branched off in the Misc section of the board. Basically Any% & All Bosses with Debug. Essentially it boils down to how quickly you can count cursor positions in the menu. Neat trick, & you can do other non speedrun stuff with it, but in terms of runs it really takes the challenge out of it.


Keep in mind that a category doesn't necessarily need to be on srcom. You can still run it and if it turns out to be an interesting run and gets competitive it will naturally warrant a leaderboard.

Maryland, USA

this is true @TalicZealot and yeah @strizer86 I've seen some really interesting stuff done with shop glitch stuff. this guy levels up and gets knockback from a red minotaur into a screen transition into where you get the laevaithan, and zips upwards cutting out a bunch of stuff heading towards balore.

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