Recently I've been attempting sub 1:05 (no loads) banned runs, but have noticed something. A lot of things that would get you suspended / banned are only giving you the inappropriate behavior message instead of suspending you. If you have anything besides 'you are a beach' that currently gets you banned, please type it in here.
Maybe read the rules & come up with new messages? There isn't probably much to do in the beginning phase of the game
Yes, that is true, but most of those things give you an inappropriate behavior message / permanently set you as a 'New Jammer'
Leafeon 21 days ago
Recently I've been attempting sub 1:05 (no loads) banned runs, but have noticed something. A lot of things that would get you suspended / banned are only giving you the inappropriate behavior message instead of suspending you. If you have anything besides 'you are a beach' that currently gets you banned, please type it in here.
The thing about this thread is, well, why does it exist? We only need one message, and it doesn't matter how long it is because you can just copy/paste it.