Route Discussion
7 years ago

Hello everyone finally I can post!

So I'm here to discuss a route I found that allows many things, and avoid using the XP exploit.

Basically, in 2:45:22, I have killed The Scarab, I'm level 18 and a half, and I have discovered every city needed for the rest of game. For comparaison, in 2:45, BnH247 is level 18 (almost 19) but he still have to kill the Scarab, and travel to each location by feet.

It's not a big time save, but I think it's a bit faster. It needs a lot of optimization to be very good.

So basically I do the normal quests, just gather 750 bonus XP at the start by picking up the scroll and solving it right away, then I do the camp and the Anvil quest, kill Medunamun and leave Siwa.

Then my route starts, and I do this:

On my road, I go to specific locations that are fast to complete. I also do 3 specific quests that gives a lot of XP:

  • 1500 XP at Letopolis in 1:58 (118 sec)
  • 3750 XP at Krokodilopolis in 6:11 (371 sec, could have been a lot faster)
  • 2250 XP at Cyrene in 1:48 (108 sec)

I am considering uploading a video of that segment. Will someone be interested ?

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

Other perspective is always interesting. But there some problems with your approach: First why are you comparing with BH run which is the slowest run right now - there is already a run that is one hour faster. So essentially it does not matter if you faster than him - anyone can do faster than him. Second when you kill the Scarab is not the measure of how fast your run is - the good measure is when you finish The Way of Gabiniani - if it will be faster than current fastest time than yes, your route is better.


I never really looked at your run cause you're in the Season pass category :P (I don't even know what is the difference tbh)

I changed my route since my post, now I have killed berenice at 4h34 Then for Way of GabinianI I was tired, frustrated and I couldn't take down the last infiltrator, my PC froze at 5 hour 21, still in that quest he was at 10% life. I just quitted the game right now

So frustrated :(

I'll take a look at your run :D


For the problems you mentioned, BH was the only reference I had, as I said, I didn't looked at your run cause I saw it in the "Season Pass" category, and I thought, "Well he must have a special item or somth to have 1 hour less" I was kind of unaware that it was not that kind of stuff. I'm sorry about that :s

For the second thing, yes, of course, and I am still not sure why I wrote it that way. It was the only comparaison I had, because I still have not run the game completely.

The run where my PC froze, was actually the first time I was that far. I trained a lot on the first segment of the game (Start to Alexandria with XP farming)

I still think that XP exploit is not that fast, and has a lot of drawbacks.


I just did 6:54:07 in a segmented run with no XP exploit! I'll try with a single segment speedrun tomorrow I need some more optimizations but I'm almost there

Hey, quick question, what do you mean by XP exploit? I'm not a speedrunner but I do enjoy finding bugs in games like this, especially exploitable ones. I've found a few but nothing I can replicate. What's the exploit, for my use and so any wannabe-speedrunners can avoid accidentally invalidating a run as a result of it.


It's legal in run, all 3 runs currently in the leaderboard use this exploit. Basically you free some prisoners, you gain 100 XP, you use Dusk & Dawn (skip day/night ability) and repeat until you get enough XP to get to a specific level. Watch the runs :)

The thing is, it's boring, its slow, and it takes forever (it's like 100 XP per 10 seconds) And the point i'm trying to bring is that you can actually get much more XP per 10 seconds by doing actual quests with an optimized route.

The route i'm trying to find doesn't uses this exploit, last try I did, I finished Way of the Gabiniani at about 5 hour 18 mark, but I found a 10 minute save in my run (i'm doing too much quests/locations), I'll try a single segment when I will have time.

The only "exploit" that is currently stable and reliable is Quest Reset to leave agro and allows you to teleport to anywhere at anytime basically.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

Oh. Cool! I'll watch that. I found a somewhat small potential skip but I have no idea how it happened, nor do I have any footage. I have a thread on that if you want details. It's worked normally on the same disk and console before so I don't know. Anyways, thanks!


I did it! 6:11:12 :D I'll submit my run when the video will be uploaded.

I did the "go in the curia" 3 times, that was pain in the ass... I could have done something like 6:05, and I definitively believe under 6h is possible with more optimizations.

California, USA

I thought the same thing about the exploit. It sucks and is really boring. Literally almost 3 hours of watching the sun set and rise. I did think when BH posted his run that doing quests has to be faster, but I got too busy at work to route.

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