Woah! Sub-10 minutes! That is totally not expected
Level 1 had a few small mistakes but my previous run bled a lot of time there so it all worked out at the end
Level 2 had a failed pipe jump and decent bar removals. But I somewhat made up for it with a clean ending
Level 3 had a failed speedrun trick with the slide where I can make Kel stop at the end of the slide so that he can skip having to climb up. I failed and almost clutched myself before falling in the water :(
I am not fully proud with this speedrun. But I will still consider this a success!
(Mods. If you see this, I might update this run later to include a more polished video sometime this month. Please make sure to submit it!)
Mod | 10:02:450 | Sorry, it's not sub 10 :((( Start frame - 25s 710ms, end frame 10:28:160, so the time is 10:02:450 Time between start and end frames are all counted including loading screens (which are equal on all systems). See how i count myself for more guarantees. You can provide here your research if you think it's not true!