Curious, about the cinematic ending part
19 days ago

Was watching my newest run compared to the fastest and I noticed that during the song at the end, their song is actually...shorter than mine? Is it because I am not "on beat" with the song? Does that actually change it? Or is it just random?

Devon, England

I'll give it a check. I have a 53:30 pending. I absolutely mashed the buttons on mine so I'll time them to see what the differences are.

Devon, England

Just by looking at your run, you failed a part where you stroke the "dog" (LS time 54:33). i believe that if you fail one of the scenes it will loop the previous group of scenes losing a lot of time.

I think the optimal time for the sequence is 2:16. I was unable to check Beanjuiced's time fully. I'll gather as much info as i can on it to see what the time losses would be on a singular missed scene.

Awesome, thanks for the info! I'll keep that in mind when I play it again tomorrow. Looking at it, which part did I fail? The second time it appeared? That seems to be the one where I didn't move right away.

Devon, England

yeah, it looked like you tried to move left instead of right.

I may start making a guide with pathings and an overall map for new runners. just recorded a 53:06


I can confirm that if you fail a sequence it replays that part of the loop :) The devs showed up in my stream when i was doing a practice run and commented on that i was the first person they'd seen go the whole way through it immediately

Diedit oleh penulis 19 days ago
Devon, England

Damn! that's nice of the Devs to pop into streams. I'm excited to see if we can find any large skips and not just Biffa Skips :P


yeah was really cool! they are super cool guys! I look forward to coming back if major skips are found !

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