Amy in 0m 40s 483ms by
I've been struggling to beat my PB, a 38.35, this run is almost half a second slower than that run and I have no idea how I was able to go so fast before, none of my runs from today have gotten anywhere close. The run was recorded without audio, so it doesn't count for the leaderboards, which just means I have to break it again! This might take a moment...
Modern Amy.
Papan peringkat
Bridge Island Act 1
Game Mode
Story Mode

Real Time Attack
0m 40s 483ms
Load Removed Time
0m 38s 750ms
New Patch dropped! Most glitches patched out! Downpatch guide inside!
Hey all, as the title says, a new patch just dropped and most of the glitches have gotten patched out. If you had the game downloaded previously and want to run the game with all the glitches available to use make sure you have your game set to not download the new update. If you're running on Steam
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