Hiii! I was messing around today and I discovered a pretty significant glitch that can save a second in full-game runs by glitching out the end-of-game timer.
I don't think this should be allowed in submitted runs under any circumstances but I'll still explain how to do it / how it works below.
When you beat a level, your final time is added to the time list at the end of the game as soon as the timer stops.
If you restart a level after the timer ends, the next level doesn't start, but the game thinks it has.
As a result of this, if you beat level 1 with a time of 10.1, restart the level before the next level loads, and then beat level 1 again with a time of (for example) 9.9, the 10.1 time will be attributed to level 1 at the end of the game, and the 9.9 will be attributed to level 2 at the end of the game.
This works on every level, but it only saves time if done on level 3.
Doing this trick on level 3; the game will add whatever time you get on level 4 to a "level 5" slot which doesn't exist and is therefore ignored and completely removed from your final time.
Here's a run where I use this trick to get a time of 36.06 (currently a half-second(ish) improvement from record)
You can see on level 3 I get a time of 5.67, restart, get a time of 5.77, then move on to the next level.
Then, on level 4; I get a time of 7.76, which is missing from the end screen and replaced with the 5.77 I got on level 3.
So, in this case, this glitch saved 2 seconds.
I will not be submitting this run, because I don't think this should be allowed.