So I found something...
2 months ago
California, USA

A while ago me alongside 3 other people did a speedrun, but I found a bug that let me open the menu in a cutscene I deleted that recording since we didn't use that, but I remember how to do it, if you spam tab/click the menu it will open in the cruel king cutscene, but the ending overlay will appear, so you can click the save option in the overlay... I think you could replicate this with other of these... so I'm asking you to try to recreate it, or to tell me if it's patched? I just need to know, and if it could lead to other glitches? Thx

United States

I think this was caused by the game sometimes just starting the king fight late, allowing you to access the menu, I might check to see if it's still possible but I have other things I'm doing rn

California, USA

No during the end cutscene

Statistik Game
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Oopsie daisy!

Hello runners. If it isnt obvious we uhh, have not been verifying runs as of recent. the removal of apple pie made runs just slow to a halt. sure it kinda is our fault. but just so you know, when demo 2 comes out we will actually try to fix this category... cheers!

3 months ago
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