New categories
3 years ago
United States

Starting this thread for new categories i've been thinking of let me know what ya'll think:

Minibike% - starts when you load into a new world and ends when you gas up and sit on the minibike

Motorcycle% - " "

4x4% - " "

All Crafting% - ends when you have one of each crafting station (workbench, chem station, forge, cement mixer)

Level% - I think max level is a big ask for a speedrun but 30/40/50 would be a lot more doable

Steel Fortress% - ends when you have a 20x20 (or there abouts) base upgraded to steel blocks

Thats what i've come up with so far would love to hear more from you guys and figure out the balancing and proper rules. Happy Smashin!

mossfis, B0atmas, dan Kl0zer menyukai ini
Seattle, WA, USA

1st off there is a discord for suggestions 2nd off I'm trying to keep this board clean for the time being. there's only 16 runners I can't have like 50 categories. Trust me, there are plenty of categories I want to add as well (Hunter%, Scrooge%, Oncelor%, Fall%)

Hunter is kill one of each animal, scrooge is hording a ton of dukes, oncelor is chopping down a whole forest of trees, and fall is falling from the very top of the map to the very bottom of the map. (having to dig and build to do so)

rammmmyyyy dan LeftoverGaming menyukai ini
United States

Didnt know there was also a discord. Just remember when I forst saw the page an askingnof new ideas for categories so I dropped it here lol. But yea i'll head over to the discord for the future.

The stuff you listed is interesting but I would wonder what your guidelines for how to start and when the run is counted as 'ended'.

Volandimer menyukai ini
Seattle, WA, USA

Pretty much every run starts the same, when you open the game.

Ending depends on category.

honestly guys? i'm disapointed. i play this game for years already and obviously started to raise game dif. And wondered to see how other ppls play on the hardest settings - hardest dif + insane zombie speed all times + ferral sense. And my man . . . how big was my eyes when i could find ONLY ONE youtuber who plays like that. Then i told my self - "speedruners". they are robot monsters. thats where i shoud find this ppls. and i came here. and what category's i see? what is this choke of a runs? -_- cmon boys u actualy making other runners laugh on us :-( . . . the only real category wich will truly test skills and knowledge of this game is the run with this settings where u have to get level 6 tier 4 firearm weapon as fast as posible - wich will considered as the win and the end of a run.

With such requirements they probably better start moving them-self's to the wasteland biom as soon as posible to boost their loot stage and so on... well u got the point. lots of rooms for stroteg's as well as real test's for u'r survival skills. Hope u guys gonna add this. if yes... ooooh boooi :-) even i gonna start to try this runs and contribute my self to the leaderboards B) :thumbsup

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