Any useful bugs for this game found yet?
7 years ago
United States

Really excited to see this game on here now, just finished my first casual play through last night. I didnt seem to get and major bugs while playing. Has anyone found anything that might be helpful for runs?


There is a very simple air walking glitch. (I'm not sure who originally discovered it, but as I said, it's very simple.) Can be done as soon as you turn into adult at the start of the game.

#1. To start with, Aloy can't have spear in her hands when doing this glitch, so aim with Bow for a moment to remove the spear. #2. Start aiming with a rock with d-pad and then press R1. Aloy will do a glitchy spear attack while holding the rock. Keep holding down on d-pad for now. #3. After the attack has finished, let go of d-pad. You may have to press X once to regain ability to move. Now Aloy can slide around at walking speed and she is immune to gravity. #4. No way to end airwalk for now, other than maybe retry from last checkpoint.

(Still haven't messed around with this glitch much, since I'm still so close to the start of the game...)

Schattentod likes this
Bavaria, Germany
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

Just played around a bit with that glitch, you can get out of it when you take dmg. Tested with croco ranged attack.


Does it help you at all?Getting to places faster etc.

Bavaria, Germany
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

Its slow as fuck, but maybee you can skip something with it. Havent found anything useful yet.


I would imagine it to be hard to "skip" since every quest has multiple steps.Even if you could get out or nora land earlier without the main questline its practically useless,Although maybe you can get the powercells before their missions to get the secret armor faster.Its not worth the time to get it,but might be cool to do it :p


Done a speedrun of this today, 5 hours 35 minutes with collecting the 5 power cells and getting the easy armor. Currently waiting to upload whenever it lets me lol. Easily beatable though as i did a few mistakes, died a few times and had far too many breaks for a speedrun. Hoping to see others with fast runs through this game.

United States

5:35 aint bad for a start. I still have 4 missions left of the main story, then of course all of the side stuff. I havent noticed anything yet except that it looks like sliding might be the fastest movement outside of a mount. run a few paces, sliding, roll as you slow down, and repeat. I should finish up the game tonight if not tomorrow and then I can be a bit more active in looking at some stuff.

also, why have no categories been set? maybe the mod has been asleep and out since the game page was made? speaking of categories, any% is obvious, and then I'm assuming "all quests" or "100%" for those that want a marathon of a run?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Washington, USA

There could be a sort of 100% in that you have to get all the weapons and armors, maybe? Like, all the outfits, all the weapons, and the ancient armor? That could be interesting, although a lot of things require luck of random drops, unless you buy things from the vendor in Meridian. Definitely looking forward to submitting for any% though, my brother and I both have the game around 5 hours so far, and it could definitely be optimized.


So far i've been running all main missions and its alot of fun.

United States

idk about all armor and such, but there is the in game progression percentage that we could get whatever is needed to make that 100%. that would be a pretty long run for sure, especially if the main game is 5 hours at the moment.


I did the main missions on 04:14:54 IGT today.But a %100 would take way too long.My main playthrough took 45h and its only 80%.Finding all the collectibles and such is just too much of a pain in the ass

Schattentod likes this
Washington, USA

Are we more likely to time based on actual play time, or IGT? Just wondering, since I'm getting some basic, relatively unplanned runs done, and want to know what time to mark them as.

United States

If people do 100% runs of GTA then you can for this game too. Not saying I would want too, but it can and will probably be done. Saying it would take too long and comparing it to your casually play through is irrelevant as well. Once you get rid of all the Idk what I'm doing and all the where is this thing moments, along with the all dialog and cut scenes. There has also probably been several times where you wasted time going back to an areas because you forgot something. Once optimized that the game will be far far shorter even for 100% runs.


The issue is the game map being huge and having too many collectibles around the place.Just walking around would take at least an hour and for %100 you need all sidequests-bandit camps-training grounds-collectibles-cauldrons...Comparing it into gta which takes at most 30h with everything it has to offer is not the best example.I'd have respect for someone to do 100% om this cause im fairly certain it will take at least 10h even if you know everything in the game


To answer your question Visa,The game says how long you played on a save and right at the end of your playthrough when you can check the time on it which is IGT.Thats what i use while using splits on a laptop near me to keep track of improvements and my time.what IGT does is remove the loading screen times which is nice.But its preference

Bavaria, Germany
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

IGT is always better imo, since PS4/PS4 Pro might have different loading times, same as when you change your HDD for a SSD. Just makes it fairer.

United States

The speedruns section is up guys sorry for the delay wasnt expecting to much hype for speedrunning this game. yall def got me wanting to do another run.

United States

I saw a vid from Digital Foundry that said load times are actually quite similar between PS4 and Pro, so that's nice, but if it is indeed confirmed that IGT removes loads and is an accurate timer, then perfect, I'd say use that for sure as the priority time. in my opinion, IGT should be required in submission videos as well

For timing purposes, RTA start on new game select and end on hitting triangle to purge? also, if that's the case for RTA timing, does IGT continue to count up from there during the cutscene/credits? this then leads to when can we get IGT. I think we have to get through the credits, get the notification about the game's state being reset, then get to a campfire to save and that's where we can get IGT. and of course to make it even more complicated, should we count RTA to that save as well (my thoughts are no)? I might be making it more complicated than it needs to...

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

i consider it starts when you select difficulty and end when u hit the final triangle to purge.

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