Teleporter - Click on the two policemen. Retry -> NrG Drink - Click on the prisoner in the cell, and on the rest of the cops. Retry -> File -> File door - Click on the two guards coming in your way, on the janitor (on top of the stairs), and on two guards in the elevator. Chair -> Right Arrow - Click Everyone. Map to cell -> Choose Drill -> Opacitator - Click on everyone and on the skeleton. Retry -> Crowbar - Click on the two guards that spotted you. Choose down arrow -> right arrow and optionally click on the guard in the picture (next to the door). Click every guard that spots you, then fail the quick time event. Map to cell -> Choose Cellphone. - Click on the attorney, the judge, the witness and on the guy with white hair. Present diguise bag, and when you leave the court, click on everyone.
btw every time a say click i mean right click