Howdy, fellow runners of varying speeds. I am a long time HITMAN player that very recently started running the Any % Category. I would've tried to do the run sooner, but the muffin trick was highly daunting at first. This is my story about watching Hulime get a 14:01 for the Trilogy (Any%), and becoming motivated enough to finally try and conquer the muffin trick myself.
What's up my nerds, after my last video took the world by storm my life has been crazy. Have you ever been with so many models that you would rather make tender love your hand? Yeah, me too. My hands are god gamer hands, I know this now, sorry to all you lesser nerds out there, you'll never masterbate with as many mirrors as me, so don't even try. I just thought I'd take some time out of autographing boobs to let y'all know I finished a delicately crafted documentary on speedrunning the Any% trilogy.
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great start to the new year! We have 3 pretty important topics below to share new rules about so I appreciate you all taking the time to read this!
1) TG Poll Results - After about a week or polling and a subsequent week of deliberation we have dec