100% overall discussion
9 years ago
Texas, USA

This fourm thread is for discussing 100% strat science and so on. I'm also using it to ask a question, someone mentioned, I think it was demolition, that mellow mode helps 100% in one level, and which one is that? I'm interested to see where it could help out and what cool stuff that could lead to.

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

I also found an interesting snowball skip strat in 5-1 with firemelon badge, not unlocked until 5-4 so useless in RTA, but probably useful for you IL bros.

Texas, USA

Damn, I NEVER thought of skipping levels and then coming back. That's actually really clever... Snowball skip looks in my head at least, to be a decent timesave, and since you unlock the fire melon badge in 5-4, there's VERY little backtracking at all.

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

I just wanted to say it really motivates me seeing people getting into the game and talking about strats more :) keeps me going.

Pear और 607 इसे पसंद करें

so how about mellow mode for the magic carpet level too maybe? level sucks eggs

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

WTF???? That is insane. Cool find!

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

you can do it with one controller too,unfortunately it only saves about 20 seconds and with the cost of 5k gems it is pretty expensive,gotta check if it's worth in a long run :)

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Pennsylvania, USA

Figured I'd post this here since this really only applies to any% and 100%

NTSC versions of this game have a time cap of 20 seconds when doing the bike mini game. PAL has a cap of 30 seconds. I am unsure if this cap differential is in every mini game but it would be worht investigating since it would alter NTSC routes from PAL routes that do 100%

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
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