Clip Out of Bounds in Garfont Mercenary Village
4 years ago

Note: I don't know if this is newly discovered, but it accidentally happened to me yesterday morning.

While jumping towards the ladder in Garfont Village I managed to clip through the ladder and wall out of bounds.

I have a video of it (recorded on my phone so low quality) but I have managed to recreate it about 8 times within an hour. (so I could try to get a better quality video easily)

I don't know where I can upload it here, but I think when you jump towards the ladder [that you push down to make a shortcut to the upper section of Garfont Village] at an angle (approx 75-80 degrees from perpendicular) it tries to reposition you towards the ladder, but pushes you too far and you climb through the rock.

I've not made too many tests about possible exploits to utilize this in, but I just wanted to publicize this so others can use it.

Victoria, Australia

I believe this was found during the first week the game came out and as far as I know, isn't useful for Any% runs.

If you have discord, I would highly recommend joining the Xenoblade Speedrun discord to see what discoveries we have made for the game

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Jaciisaur इसे पसंद करता है

I'd say it could potentially be nice for hundo, since I also have a way to go to the ladder from the Garfont side, but it's not really much.

Like Aeon said, this was already known since at least 2 years, but don't worry, it's always a good thing to share things! Because not sharing for a while can lead to things like the Ship Clip remaining "undiscovered" for 2 years when, in fact, there was a vid from like 2018 on it ^^'

In the future, I'd advise to first do a really quick check on Google and YouTube to see if something is known or not, and then if almost no one or literally no one talks about it or you think you found more to it than what's talked about, then go ahead! That way you won't regret making blocks of text ;)

Have a nice day ^_^

Jaciisaur और AppleMarimo इसे पसंद करें


I tried looking it up and couldn't find anything :( I figured it would be easily discovered since it happened on complete accident (and was so easily repeatable), just wanted to make sure information was shared!

One side benefit of it, was I got a look of how Uraya's mouth looks like through the out of bounds world (An ominous maw in the void). Also, hope everything is going well in Victoria AeonFrodo!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
XenoPlayed इसे पसंद करता है
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