how to get back into the ring and other shenanigans
2 years ago

hello! i'm wondering how you can go back into the ring? i couldn't quite figure it out even with the game manual. i know that A+B and d-pad facing the direction of the side of the ring

also i'd like to know how some tips on how you can beat hulk hogan and ultimate warrior. they're pretty tough to beat

any help is appreciated. thanks in advance

WillWagnerMusic इसे पसंद करता है
New York, USA

Hey! So, the Japanese version of the game has more fluid controls to get into and out of the ring. For some unknown reason, you have to hold the d-pad towards the ring on the second tap of your double-tap towards the ropes for it to register. That was my main reason to select the Japanese version of the game to run, because it isn't as difficult to nail the ring-out/ring-in.

If you look at my run, you can see the button inputs of the run, and I think if you play the Japanese version, the enter/exit controls will feel way more natural.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
yeabruh इसे पसंद करता है

just to make sure if i got it right. you use the same controls to go out of and back in the ring? double tapping d-pad towards the ring with the second tap being a hold? i happen to only have the US version on console. it still works there right, just not as fluid/natural as the japanese version?

WillWagnerMusic इसे पसंद करता है
New York, USA

That's part of the issue with the US version; you have to hold it, but not for too long, or it thinks you're trying to walk, rather than leave the ring. It's difficult enough where this is the only game I play the Japanese version on. You should be able to execute it one out of every two or three attempts, eventually, but it's still considerably difficult to get precise. Growing up, I had no idea how to do that, and I would always get counted out as Andre the Giant.

I have the US version open right now, and it should be just double tapping the direction towards the ropes you wanna exit/enter the ring from. If you double tap a direction and hold, you'll run, but if it's spaced right, give a slight hold on the second press when you're close to the ropes. I wish there was an easier way to do it in the US version, but my best call is to practice it in two player mode to get the spacing just right.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
yeabruh इसे पसंद करता है

oh ok. 2 player mode looks like a great opportuniry to practice it. thank you so much for your thoughts!

WillWagnerMusic इसे पसंद करता है
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