guide about page switching, which moves the key to another page
1 year ago
Czech Republic

Hello i saw speedruns on this game where i saw how to switch pages to site with small clicks to find keys. You actually go to one page where there is a possible key and then switch to another page where the key moves. I haven't found any guide about this and when I found it on the sub 30 guide, it doesn't play so i can't watch that. I was wondering if you could help me how this works because I want to learn. I would like to wttg 2 speedrun just like the first game, where I already have 2 world records, so I wanted to give myself at least a challenge for the second game, but to make some good time, I would like to learn this trick. Thank you in advance for your answers.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago

Go to page 1 (preferably easier one to check, you'll use it to find the keys), after that go to Page 2 (the one you want to check for a key) and when it loads press backspace until Page 1 appears. Backspace goes back one page at a time so you might have to do it a few times. The keys from Page 2 are now on Page 1 and you can check it much easier. You can also do it while the page loads but you have to be quick, when it finishes loading it will revert back to page 2.

superfreshness इसे पसंद करता है
Czech Republic

thank you soooo much.

गेम विवरण
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