All run encounters on the map are different (except the Silversmith's House), but what would a perfect run look like? Here:
From Dirtwater to Cavern Canyon: Silversmith's House
From Dirtwater to Silversmith's House: Impact Meteor (750 Meat)
From the Silversmith's House to Railroad Camp (East): Impact Meteor (750 Meat)
From Railroad Camp to Gustavon Gulch: Impact Meteor (750 Meat)
Now With 1337 Starting Meat, the 3 Impact meteors, and the 2 Treasure Boxes at Gustavon Gulch for 1000 Meat Each, You have 5587 Meat, Enough for The Turnip Crown
From Gustavon Gulch to Railroad Camp to Silver Plater: Fort Alldead.
From Silver Plater to Fort Alldead: Dynamites
From Fort Alldead to Railroad Camp (West): Modern Snake Oiler (Forced)
From Railroad Camp to Breadwood: Military Cemetery (Immediatley Go There)
From Military Cemetery to Roy Bean's House: Impact Meteor (750 Meat) (Forced)
From Roy Bean's House to Buffalo Pile: A Cow Cult Brigand (IDK Why)
From Buffalo Pile to Railroad Camp (West): Reboot Hill
Wandering from Railroad Camp: Nex-Mex Book (Forced)
Old Railroad Camp to Frisco: Last Custard Stand
Here to Post a New perfect run.
Take any horse Except the Pale Horse
Dirtwater to Cavern Canyon: Silversmith's House
Cavern Canyon(Immediately travel after the decent Wine) to Silversmith's House: Daveyard
Silversmith's House to Railroad Camp: Unlock Old Mission
Railroad Camp to Gustavon Gulch: 4 Dynamite
Gustavon Gulch to Railroad Camp: Nothing
Railroad Camp to Silver Plater: Humming Cave
Silver Plater to Humming Cave: Snake Oiler Book(Forced)
Humming Cave to 2nd Railroad Camp: Perfessor's House(Go There Immediately)
Perfessor's House to 2nd Railroad Camp: Meateor(Forced)
2nd Railroad Camp to Breadwood: Curious Copse
Breadwood to Curious Copse: El Vibrato Monster(Get a Battery)
Here You must get the El Vibrato Model Bridge
Curious Copse to Railroad Camp: Nothing
Railroad Camp to Frisco: Nothing
And you should easily get Sub 3:45