PC/PS2/PSP any% thing
7 years ago

So, Puffjack did any% run of the game on the old save file which allows skipping cutscenes. But there are problems:

  1. The player can start from the first level and after it passes go directly to the last one with this rules too.
  2. In cheat% and all% it does not work at all (there are cheats that are bought for points).

We need a moderator for this category, or at least new rules. My suggestions for new rules in any%: Timer begins when starting the first level after creating a new game file [or: timer begins after creating a new save file]. Splits (optional) are after saving of the level is complete.

It's also worth mentioning that ending titles do not appear on the old save file at all (if I'm not mistaken)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Jak8 इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

I was kind of thinking either that, or let people use old save files and just disqualify the run if they go straight to the last level from the first level (at least, if I were a moderator, that's how I would do it).

But I definitely agree with you on account of the fact that we need at least one or even two more moderators. I would honestly vote myself in, but that has never really gotten me anywhere except with a few of the Cars games, so I will vote to make TheYellowDan a moderator.

I do my splits when the saving screen pops up, but I guess either one works.

Finally, what do you mean "ending titles do not appear on the old save file?" Do you mean the end results? Because they did in my run, but I don't know whether or not you mean that.

BTW Dan, you can just use either Puffjak8 or Jak8 when you mention my username.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

im working on adding a new mod atm, i dont have super mod and the current super mod has been inactive for a year so it may be awhile

Jak8 इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

Okay, yeah, it might be a little hard to get to him. I guess his Discord was removed, his YouTube was removed, and he hasn't streamed to Twitch since last October. I hope that somehow we can contact him.

This is why we want to have multiple moderators who can add other mods, so that if one is inactive, the other will more than likely be able to add more people.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

im contacting the site admins on the websites forums so it should be about a week before we can add more mods

Texas, USA

Okay, yeah, that's another thing I would have done if you couldn't contact him already.

Minnesota, USA

@TheYellowDan until i can mod you just post the rules you want to put into place here and ill add them


Well the rules are good now. but I think that we should remove the last Jak8's run..

Minnesota, USA

alright i can do that

Texas, USA

Seems swell to me.

That works.


Oh, and thanks for giving me a mod

Minnesota, USA

no problem

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Leaderboard Changelog (5/1/23)

Just here to list off a couple of rule changes that have been in effect since 4/26/23 but I forgot to completely finish and then announce.

The rules for every Cheat% category on the boards has been updated to no longer force using every cheat for it to be legal.

The other change is now allowin

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