Story (New Game) in 2h 30m 28s by
Story (New Game)

2h 30m 28s

टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | The Hope of Bhikkhuni [3] (!) | 8m 31s 947ms | 8m 31s 947ms |
2 | The Lone Wolf and the Elite [2] (!) गोल्ड | 5m 12s 413ms | 13m 44s 360ms |
3 | Battle! Treatment Program! [2] (!) | 6m 21s 229ms | 20m 05s 589ms |
4 | Advent of Bhikkhuni's Protectors [2] (!) | 6m 23s 653ms | 26m 29s 242ms |
5 | The Deputy Head's Melancholy [2] | 6m 00s 829ms | 32m 30s 071ms |
6 | Erased Memories and Unerasable Feelings [2] | 3m 51s 198ms | 36m 21s 269ms |
7 | Clash! The School Matches [2] | 6m 18s 052ms | 42m 39s 321ms |
8 | A New Challenge, and a Suspension [3] | 8m 49s 412ms | 51m 28s 733ms |
9 | Koharu Tsukikage Bounces In! [2] गोल्ड | 5m 55s 348ms | 57m 24s 081ms |
10 | Where Feelings Go [2] | 4m 15s 414ms | 1h 01m 39s 495ms |
11 | The Birth of the Strongest Pair [3] | 8m 07s 572ms | 1h 09m 47s 067ms |
12 | Sisterhood: Memories of Growth [3] (!) गोल्ड | 9m 25s 163ms | 1h 19m 12s 230ms |
13 | A Hidden Truth [2] (!) | 6m 29s 973ms | 1h 25m 42s 203ms |
14 | A Manufacutred Paradise [2] (!) | 5m 26s 477ms | 1h 31m 08s 680ms |
15 | The Spellbound Girls [3] (!) गोल्ड | 10m 18s 658ms | 1h 41m 27s 338ms |
16 | Confession: A Truth Revealed [3] (!) | 9m 04s 438ms | 1h 50m 31s 776ms |
17 | System of Immortality [2] गोल्ड | 4m 49s 883ms | 1h 55m 21s 659ms |
18 | Liberation of Bhikkhuni [2] | 9m 12s 515ms | 2h 04m 34s 174ms |
19 | Memories of the Beginning [2] | 10m 51s 619ms | 2h 15m 25s 793ms |
20 | The Precious Friends [3] गोल्ड | 15m 02s 368ms | 2h 30m 28s 161ms |
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