"his pc sucks fr" fax
oh fyi this breadman, dementedbread forgot to turn long sprint off so this is the only reason this is a longsprint% run
समाचार: The True Backrooms: Renovated
thank u sigma now i can grind and beat ur 18:21 on any% trust
why the shit is sound like a second behind wtf
new page for the latest game version can be found here: https://speedrun.com/TTBR
zir0nic इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Hello Neighbor
def not for the funsies when i was playing roblox 2 years ago and then this nick just stuck with me (but without all the number thingies)
get beaten eaz a ololadoasdsalkdasdasldkalskd
1 से 17 का दिखाया जा रहा है 17 में से
why796292 के बारे में
mainly speedrunning roblox game the true backrooms and/or hello neighbor
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