धागा: WWF No Mercy
United Statesumbraaa3 years ago

I've created a Discord server for the Wrestling Speedrun Community, which can be found at: https://discord.gg/ZGk5CGNFSX

You can come and discuss WWF No Mercy, as well as a bunch of other wrestling games. If you aren't a speedrunner but still love to learn/discuss the game, you are also definitely welcome!

Make sure you read the rules, and go visit the roles channel to determine which channels you can see!

alexdgr8XD और 5upamayne इसे पसंद करें
धागा: WWF WrestleMania 2000
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi! I'm here to put forth my two cents, if they mean anything. 😋

The No Mercy board has split subcategories for CAW and non-CAW runs, where any run involving a character not in a default slot counts as a CAW (even if you're playing a default character and the opponent is set to a CAW). I thought it would be better for consistencies sake while making things more open to any type of run someone may want to try out, but I also came across the issue of "how do I make sure the defaults are really defaults". I also allowed edited attires on default characters to still count as non-CAW since clothing and music doesn't affect the run in any way (unless some sort of glitch is found someday), which made it a bit harder to tell. I just created a rule where the person has to show the characters they selected before the run starts, so you can just see what type of slot the character is in.

Now, the problem with that rule in WM2000 is that No Mercy has a pinkish backing of the name/picture border in the select screen for CAWS and green for defaults, but WM2000 doesn't have any distinction (especially since you can just select "Trade" to switch what section the character is on). I guess the closest thing would be to have the person quickly show the character(s) moves/attributes in the Edit menu, which is a little faster to access/look through than in No Mercy. It might be a little extra for the player to do, but just doing it once during a string of run attempts wouldn't be too bad, and would go far in helping accurate verification.

Sorry for the wall of text! 😅

धागा: WWF No Mercy
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hello everyone! I see things are becoming a little more busy around here, which is fantastic news! I love seeing more people get into speedrunning this wonderful game.

I've made some pretty drastic changes over the past few days, from the look of the boards to the addition of several categories. I know having so many new categories might be a bit clunky at first, but I am here to help! If you need help understanding what a run is, or when to start/finish, please let me know and I will respond as soon as possible!

I've also decided on adding two new things that I think will help keep things properly organized.

1.) This one in particular will take effect as of this post:

Please show your chosen characters in the character select screen at some point in your video before your run starts. You need to show yourself actually selecting the character(s) so that it's easy to tell what kind of slot (CAW or non-CAW) they are in.

Because we're permitted to customize outfits/appearance on our default characters, I needed to put this rule into effect so I can determine accurately whether or not you are using CAWs or non-CAWs. Runs that were submitted previous to this rule will still be valid, so do not fret.

2.) I've decided for the time being to not add milliseconds to runs, primarily because this would only be beneficial in Exhibition runs where the absolute fastest time is essentially concrete already due to first blood matches. The milliseconds would then just be a factor of human error with timer presses. However, I have added an ability to add in-game time for your runs if you wish, for whatever reason. This can be used as a tie-breaker of sorts for runs like the Any% Exhibition category, where it seems that the game timer is sometimes different (will finish at either 2 or 3 seconds) even if the real time is identical. Adding in-game time is not mandatory for any run currently.

Once again, if any of you have any questions, please feel free to post in the forum or PM me. Good luck with all of your runs, and be sure to have fun!

United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for your question. I suggest the regular version, just for consistencies sake. In most games, Japanese text is preferable over English text because it can make dialogues shorter, so I suspect the original could likely be faster to run on anyway.

When I have some spare time, I think I'll try to find some sort of translation guide or image to add to our resources section. It sounds like it would definitely be useful for people looking to get into the game.

Thanks again, and I wish you much luck on your speedruns!

NotSombra777 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: WWF No Mercy
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm really happy to be the new super mod for this game, and in order to make the game as inclusive for the community as possible, I've made a few changes.

Emulators are no longer banned! They will be in a sub-category separate from Nintendo 64, so that a rather large part of the community isn't left out. Due to emulators running differently in certain aspects from console, they can't be fairly judged the same. But I certainly do not see any reason emulator users should be left out, so have fun!

The previous video requirements are being changed to allow videos recorded via camera/camcorder/phone/whatever else. As long as your video and audio are immensely clear, I see no problem. If you're not sure, post a test video in this thread and I'll let you know if what you have is sufficient.

I plan to add some more categories, similar to the exhibition categories from Wrestlemania 2000 since many people seem to enjoy them.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! I plan to be more interactive than the previous moderators.

Have fun everyone! :)

CCDombro, zgl, और Megamatt79 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi! I posted about 2 or so weeks ago about requesting mod for https://www.speedrun.com/wwf_no_mercy, but I was told that you guys would try contacting the mods. I was just wondering if there were any updates on that, as it still seems that they're inactive.

ShadowDraft इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi! I'm back to request moderator for https://www.speedrun.com/wwf_no_mercy. Once again, both of the current moderators are inactive and cannot be contacted on their forms of social media (inactive or their messages on those forms of media are locked). Thanks for your time!

धागा: The Site
United Statesumbraaa4 years ago

Hi! Requesting to be added as a moderator to https://www.speedrun.com/naruto_gekito_ninja_taisen_4, if possible. I've tried contacting the current moderators, but both are inactive and also didn't respond on their forms of social media/were inactive on there too. Although, if the board isn't active enough, I understand entirely. I've held off on doing more runs until the one I submitted got verified, but I'm not sure if anyone else is awaiting verification.

Thank you :)

ShadowDraft इसे पसंद करता है
umbraaa के बारे में
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